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According to the Jewish tradition, a twin girl was born with each of Adam and Eve's sons. By the way, Adam and Eve had had a third son, Seth, in addition to Cain and Abel. Does that mean we are all born from incestuous parents, hence original sin?

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15y ago
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14y ago

from other children that they had prduced.f they were the only couple on earth. they must have had children. ie a girl and a boy who got together h makes us all inter linked in. we are all one in some shape or form. Colour don't even come into it.

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10y ago

Genesis 4:3 And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD.

In this verse we can see that some time has passed since the birth of Cain and Able. How much time we don't know. How many other children Adam and Eve had during this time we don't know. But this period allows for a population increase.

Obviously if Adam and Eve were the first man and woman on earth, then Cain married his sister.

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12y ago

Adam had sons and daughters (Genesis ch.5). The first marriage, or two, was of necessity between siblings (Rashi commentary, Leviticus 20:17). After that, people could marry less-close relatives.

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15y ago

The sons had to marry their sisters. Adam and Eve were the only 2 people on the earth.

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14y ago

Adam didn't just have two son's, he had quite a few children. Adam's sons and daughters married each other. It seems strange to us now, but back in the day that's how they did it.

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