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Living plants are often recommended by Feng Shui practitioners, and much preferred over artificial plants. Various plants are used for various reasons and Bamboo is an old favourite. Place your plant in the south-east or east of the room, common rooms are best as it is not recommended to put living plants in a bedroom. The south-east brings wealth and the east brings good family relationships and good health. Be sure to care for your plants as sickly plants have the opposite effect on a space.

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Q: Where can you place a Bonsai Bamboo plant in a House as per Feng Shui?
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Where do you place the bamboo plant within a room?

To place lucky bamboo in a room, you would use the East side of the room. Feng Shui bamboo is intended to bring good luck.

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Is a bamboo plant or animal?

Bamboo is a type of plant.

What is Japanese art of miniature plant growing called?

BONSAI The art itself, or a miniature plant grown and cared for in this way, is called bonsai.

Is bamboo flowering plant?

bamboo is flowering plant

What sort of trees are used in bonsai?

I have been told any plant that is woody can be turned into a bonsai. If you go to bonsai sites on the internet, or buy a bonsai book, they alos help alot.

Do bamboo trees make good houseplants?

Bamboo is an attractive house plant. --- Just remember that they require high light and sandy soil.

Is bamboo a flowering plant?

Bamboo is a non-flowering plant