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Q: Where can you find article on christians go to church and then go home?
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How do features in a church help a christian to worship?

It is not really about the "features" in a Church that bring Christians to go to Church. The main reason that Christians go to Church lies in their belief that a Church symbolically represents the "home" of Jesus on earth. Therefore; going to Church, in effect, is a sign of respect and reverence in the sense that you are visiting Jesus' home. In this context, what could be more respectful than to: · Worship in the home of Jesus? · To get married in the home of Jesus? · To have your child baptized in the home of Jesus?

Why is it good to pray at home?

Christians can pray anywhere because God will always hear us, Christians also pray at church though :)

Where do Christians study?

Christians study any were, some at schools and others at home or at a church office, there is no specific place a christan must or should as long as they do its all good.

What is the name of the place of worship for Christians?

As individuals we can worship God anywhere - at home, work, school, etc. However, when we worship as a community we usually do so in a building we call a church. The definition of a church, however, is not the building but the community.

Why do people choose not to go to church on Sundays?

OpinionFor some, it is a matter of limited time and too many priorites, but they feel they are still Christians even if they do not give time to religious observance. For others, their faith is not so strong that they feel obliged to make any commitment of their time to religious observance. Others do not really hold religious views at all, and are merely nominal Christians or feel that it is more 'respectable' to profess to be Christians even when this is not really true.AnswerSome Christians do not attend church on Sundays because they choose Saturday as the day to worship. Others do not attend a formal church but observe a time of worship in their own home. This may be due to distance from a suitable church, or inability to find a church that fits their beliefs.

Where do cristians pray?

Christians can pray where ever they are because GOD is everywhere and can hear you where ever you are ... in church, home, car, store, etc.

How do christian worship god?

Christians worship God in a number of different ways. This is done through praying and singing at home and in church.

Which article can I read to help me shed weight from home?

There are many different articles that you can read to shed weight from your home. You would have to go online and find the best Fitness article that you can use.

Do Poland worship church or temple?

Where you worship depends on your religion, not your nationality. People in Poland worship in many different types of places. Most Christians in Poland worship in a church, because Christians worship in a church. Most Jews in Poland worship in a temple or synogogue, because that is where Jews worship. Muslims in Poland worship in Mosques, because that is where Muslims worship. Many religions (including Christians, Jews, and Muslims) also worship at home.

Places of worship in Christianity?

a place of worship for christans is a church

Why did Constantine take steps to strengthen the christian church?

Constantine was favorable towards the Christians because he needed their manpower for his armies and he needed to keep them quiet and peaceful at home.

In Europe where would you find the home of the Catholic Church?

The Vatican in Vatican City, Italy.