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There are Catholic churches in most bigger towns, and in many small ones. If you have access to a telephone book, check under Churches in the yellow pages. Most churches are usually listed there and sometimes give worship schedules. Or you could check the local Chamber of Commerce or city clerk for info. You can Google the town you are looking for a catholic church in followeed by catholic churches ex: Denver Catholic Churches Catholic churches are found in every place that is under a diocese in a bigger town or a city. it aims to have every catholic churches in every town

Also, there is a website called that shows the catholic churches near you.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago
Catholic AnswerCatholics worship everywhere. As the Catechism says in paragraph 2031 "The moral life is spiritual worship - We 'present [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,'" (Romans 12:1) Catholics worship God in "spirit and truth" (see St. John 4:23), we attend Mass and the other Sacraments at Church so that we have the strength and support of God to worship Him throughout our lives, and throughout our day in all of our actions.
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Catholic Church is worldwide, each "particular" Church is centered on a Bishop, who is the head of a diocese, and there is a parish staffed with a priest in every town of respectable size with enough Catholics to support a church. The Church is centered in Vatican City around the Pope who is the Vicar of Christ on earth.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

One. The church is its people, not buildings.

Roman Catholic AnswerIt depends on how you use the word "church". As mentioned above, there is only one Church, as Jesus Christ was very specific about only establishing one Church and not only prayed for it, but send the Holy Spirit to guarantee it as "one". However, the word can also be used to refer to the various rites within the Church. Thus we may speak of the Latin Church or the Maronite Church, and then we know that we are talking about a Rite within the one Church of Christ. There are nine different Rites, to refer to them as a church is to talk about their whole organization including their proper canon law, customs, Mass, etc.

All in all the Catholic dictionary lists 8 differnent definitions for the word church:

i. A place of Christian worship

ii. The whole visible society in communion with the pope, the Church of Christ.

iii. The Christians of a patriarchate or other delimitation, e.g., The Western Church, the Maronite Church.

iv. The Christians of a particular diocese or, in the days before such were organzied, of a single town or province, e.g., The Church of Plymouth, of Corinth. These are the exact meanings; the following uses are also sometimes met:

v. A single family of Christians (Rom. xvi, 5) - now refered to as "the domestic Church".

vi. The pastors of the Church (Matt. xviii, 17).

vii. Those who are in the clerical state and whose lives are devoted to the service of the Church.

viii. the name is properly extended to the ancient non-Catholic churches of the East, as was done by Pope Pius IX in his brief Arcano dvinae providentiae of 1868, addressed to "the Bishops of the Churches of the Eastern Rite who are not in communion with the Apostolic See"; but to Protestant religious organizations only by courtesy.

from A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957

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βˆ™ 12y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerCatholics normally worship in a Church, which may be a Cathedral (the Church which holds the Bishop's throne), a Basilica (a Church specially honored by the Vatican for one reason or another), a shrine, etc.
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The more traditional ones are known as cathedrals. Nowadays some are called churches aswell.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Catholics in general worship in Catholic churches.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

In the majority of countries around the world.

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