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No, they were just one of many ethnic or religious groups that were discriminated against. Others included Africans, Homosexuals, Slavs, Poles and Gypsies, but there were many more.

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Q: Where Jews the only people targeted?
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Where Jews the only people that were targeted?


What other races died during the Holocaust?

The only races targeted for complete destruction were the Jews and the 'gypsies'. Many other groups were also targeted, but either were not ethnic groups (races) or were not targeted for completed destruction.

Were the Jews the only people targeted?

Jews were not the only people who suffered. But, along with the Gypsies they were the only people who were persecuted for their heritage, rather than choices that they made.

Which people in Spain were punished or killed because of their religion?

The people targeted for their religions were Jews, Muslims, and heretics.

What is the appearance of Jews that Hitler targeted?

It was their existence, not their appearance, that was targeted.

Which group of people is targeted for mistreatment by the followers of anti-semitism?

Anti-Semitism targets JEWS for hatred and, usually, violence.

What groups of people were targeted by Hitler in his final solution?

anyone who had to do with being or accepting Judaism, but towards the end of WW2 anyone could had suffered.

Who were the people targeted during the holocaust?

The 'undermeshcen' although the 'final solution' was technically the 'final solution to the Jewish problem' so it was only the Jews. However gypsies, homosexual, asocials and the Nazis political opponents were also sent to the death camps.

Were Jews in the Holocaust considered civilians?

The Jews targeted in the Holocaust were civilians.

Did Jews die all over the world during the holocaust?

No they weren't,The Jews were only targeted in the country's of Europe that that fell under the control of the Germans prior to and during WW2. they were targeted among others to be undesirable and earmarked for extermination, during this period.

What religious group of people was the target of the holocaust?

Very strictly speaking, no religious group was targeted by the Nazis on religious grounds. Perhaps you are thinking of the Jews, but they were targeted as a race; then there were the Jehovah's Witnesses, but they were targeted for 'civil disobedience', not for their religion as such.

What religion was targeted in holocaust times?
