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There is no true kingdom except the kingdom of freedom and reason, where people can live without fear of a god, where one can be a freethinker, a democracy in every way a truly united peaceful democratic nonreligious freethinking society. to me, THAT is the "true kingdom"


According to scripture -- when Jesus returns:

" When the Son of Man shall come in His Glory, and all the holy angels with Him, THEN shall He sit upon the throne of His Glory: and before Him shall be gathered ALL NATIONS: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from his goats: and He shall set the sheep on His right hand... THEN shall THE KING say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, INHERIT THE KINGDOM prepared for you from the foundation of the world..." (Matt.25:31-34).


Let us not forget that when Christ does come, that will not be the end of all things pertaining to this earth life. God will set up a righteous government to rule this earth. The government will be made up of righteous men of many denominations, good and true who believed in Christ. Christ will also set up His Heavenly Kingdom where men will be judged according to their works.

At the end of the Millennium Satan will be released from bondage to have one last go at turning the hearts of men to himself and away from Christ. At the end of that period he and his angels will be sent to outer darkness along with those evil persons who did not follow the teachings of Christ but were worldly. These people will come forth on the afternoon of the last resurrection to be judged of their works. Satan and his angels will be cast way unto a place where only God knows.

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