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Zoroastrians were the first monotheists. They called/call their God "Ahura Mazda." They started out in what is today Iran/Persia. They still exist, but are a persecuted minority in Iran. Most are now in India where they're called Parsees.

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Tradition holds that it was Abraham.

Who were the first monotheists?

The Egyptians; although one can say that certain Hindus were also the first monotheists.Adam and Eve, and their descendants.No, the ancient Egyptians were POLYtheists -- many gods. Earliest monotheists were the Zoroastrians, who predate Jews.

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Monotheists are people or religions who believe in only one God. The three monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

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Monotheists believe in the existence of only one God, as opposed to polytheists who believe in multiple gods. Monotheists typically follow the teachings and religious practices associated with their belief in one God. These monotheistic religions include Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

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They both believe in god(s), but monotheists believe in one God and polytheists believe in many Gods.