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In 4th Century northern Syria outside of Aleppo, there was a monk who practiced asceticism and mysticism called Maroun (from which the name of the Maronites is derived, since in Arabic, Marouni is a follower of Maroun). He lived in hermitage (or seclusion) yet many people would seek him out for spiritual direction. After his death, a monastery called Beith Maroun (The House of Maroun) was created by his followers in his memory. After a series of clashes with monophysites after the Council of Chalcedon and other noted major heresies, the Maronites fled from persecution to Lebanon, where the majority reside today.

The Maronite Church is considered a primarily Syriac-influenced church, although it suffers heavily from latinizations and neo-latinizations.

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The Maronite Rite is a rite within the Catholic Church. As such, it originated with Our Blessed Lord in the first century. There are a number of different "rites" within the Catholic Church, the Latin Rite is the most familiar to those in the west, but it is only one. The Maronite Rite uses the ancient Aramaic liturgy of St. James for their Mass.

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In Lebanon.

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No, the Maronites have always been a part of the Catholic Church.

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St. Maroun is the patron saint of the maronite church.

What are the similarities that Maronites have with the Roman Catholics?

Catholic AnswerRoman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the Catholic Church. .The Maronite Rite is a Catholic rite of the Catholic Church. Most people think of the Catholic Church as the Latin Rite as this is the largest. The Maronite Rite is one of the Eastern Rites from Lebanon. Their language is different, and their Mass or Liturgy is based on that of St. James. Of all the Eastern Rites, theirs is the most similar to the Latin Rite. But the question as asked "similarities between the Roman Catholic and Maronite" makes no sense as the Maronite Rite is part of the Catholic Church.