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Moses left Egypt the first time when he killed the Egyptian guard defending his people who subsequently turned on him when he was 40 yrs old. He lived on a farm for 40 yrs when God called him from a burning bush. He and his brother Arron, who was 3 yrs older than him, returned to Egypt to set Gods people free. He then wandered the desert for 40 years wrote the first 5 books of the bible and knew the date of his own death and died just before they entered the land of caanan. He died at the tender age of 120 and his brother died at the tender age of 183, But The Bible records that they never felt old though out the entire time they wandered, they just died. The cloths on their backs never got old or worn, a picture of the power of God. Yet they still didn't believe.

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The Bible states that he was 80 (and Aaron was 83) when he led the Israelites out of Egypt. 40 years later, he died on his 120th birthday. The Bible states that on the day of his death he sain, "I am 120 years old today".

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Q: When was the first time Moses left Egypt?
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What was the name of the place Moses went to after he left Egypt?

the first time moses went to cannan i think

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The first time he left Egypt, Moses left alone. The 2nd time he left, he was accompanied by a throng of up to several million people, comprised of all of the "Children of Israel" and many Egyptians who chose to leave with them.

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Moses left Egypt twice. -- The first time, as a fugitive wanted for murder, he went to Midian, where he became a member of the household of Jethro, the priest of Midian. -- The second time, as the organizer and leader of the mass Exodus of the Hebrew slaves, the "Children of Israel". Note: Moses never, in his entire lifetime, set foot in the "Promised Land".

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Moses was in Egypt, his wife and children might have been there or with Moses' father in law.

How old was Moses when he return to Egypt?

According to the Bible, Moses was around 80 years old when he returned to Egypt to lead the Israelites out of slavery.

Did the Jews build a kingdom in Canaan after or before Moses led them out of Egypt?

Afterwards. Moses' disciple, Joshua, led the Jewish people into Canaan for the first time since Jacob's family of 70 people departed for Egypt according to the Bible.

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moses was a long time before uildig the pyramids, he was in the south of egypt, luxor, and the pyramids are in th north of egypt, gizeh, so no relatinship between moses and the pyramids, the pharaoh during the time of moses was Ramsis II

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The Hebrew people who had been living there since the time of Joseph (the owner of the so-called "Technicolor Dreamcoat").

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The Hebrews of Moses' time were slaves in Egypt. They wanted to be free in a land they could call their own.