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The Badshahi Mosque was built in 1673 by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in Lahore, Pakistan

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Q: When was the Badshahi Mosque built?
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Why did akbar built the badshahi mosque?

The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore was built by Aurangzeb and not Akbar. Completed in 1673, Badshahi Mosque is the second largest mosque in Pakistan.

Who built the Badshahi Mosque of Lahore?

The last of powerfull mughal emperors, Aurangzeb Alamgir has build the badshahi mosque.

How did Aurengzeb built Badshahi Mosque?

by building it of course

When was Badshahi Mosque created?

Badshahi Mosque was created in 1673.

Name any 3 mosques built by mughals?

1) Badshahi Mosque, 2) jama Mosque 3)Moti Mosque

Who built the baadshahi masjid?

If you mean Badshahi Mosque at Lahore, it was built by Auranzeb Alamgir,the Mughal Emperor.

Why Badshahi Mosque is famous?

The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, was built by the sixth Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb between 1673- 74. It is the eighth largest mosque in the world. The Mosque was completed under the superintendence of Fidai Khan Koka, Aurangzeb's foster brother. Made up of red sand-stone, this Mosque is situated opposite to the Alamgiri gate of Lahore Fort. The prayer room can accommodate upto 100,000 worshipers.

Why was Badshahi Mosque built and when?

If you mean Badshihi Mosque at Lahore, it was built for offering prayer in the reign of King Aurang Zeb Alamgir. Mosques are built for offering prayer and teaching Islam.

What was the height of Badshahi Mosque?


Where is the Badshahi mosque located?

In Lahore,Pakistan

What stone was used in the badshahi mosque?


Where is Badshahi mosque located in Lahore PK?

The Badshahi Mosque is located at Iqbal Park, Lahore, Pakistan. The approximate location of the mosque is 31.588089' N, 74.310133' E. It was the largest mosque in the world from 1673 to 1986.