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it was founded in 1970

hope that helped :)

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Q: When was Lamaism founded?
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What year was Lamaism founded?


What is Tibets main religon?


Where is lamaism popular?

Mongolia and Tibet

Where is Lamaism in Central Asia?

In California

What does Lamaism teach?

Lamaism is a religon that stresses meditation and secret rituals. It originated in Tibet and has spread to Mongolia. It is a combination of Bhuddisim and Tibetan religon. It is named for the Bhuddist Lamas- monks that teach the religon. It started in A.D. 650, when Bhuddism was introduced to Tibet from India. Over the years, it was mixed with Tibetan religon to form Lamaism.

What two belief systems does Lamaism combine?

Lamaism combines elements of Mahayana Buddhism and Tibetan Bon shamanism. It incorporates Tantric practices, rituals, and meditation techniques from both traditions.

Where was lamaism popular?

mongolia 10000 bc or 5000 bc no one reley knows

What is the Country once a center of lamaism now is part of china?

Tibet dua! jk

Is a llama a lama?

no! A llama is an animal with a split top lip. A lama is a priest or monk in lamaism!

What has the author R P Anuruddha written?

R. P. Anuruddha has written: 'An indtrocution into Lamaism'

What was the forbidden city's religion?

Three types of religion, temples of Buddhism, Lamaism and Taoism. <3 Amber Rae<3 :)

Where is Lamaism major in Central Asia?

It's major in Tibet, Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, and parts of Yunnan and Sichuan provinces.