

Best Answer

Siddharta Gautama lived from c.563 BC - c.483 BC. He is said to have gained enlightenment c. 528 BC, which could be reckoned to be the start of Buddhism. Cassell's Chronology of World History. Hywel Williams.Weidenfeld & Nicholson.2005. This book is useful for for all historic dates from 135,000 BP to 2004.

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Q: When was Bhuddism founded?
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What three things can Siddhartha do?

Well, he founded Bhuddism for starters. At the time that Siddharta was living in India, the main religion, Hinduism was becoming corrupt in his eyes. So after some soulsearching, he came upon the ways of Bhuddism. He traveled India for the rest of his life, teaching what he had learned until his death. Bhuddism was a major force in the countries of India, China, Japan, Burma and sri lanka for hundreds of years and still are today.

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Islam, Bhuddism. There are many others.

Who is the founder of bhuddism?

Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. He was known as Buddha because he had gained knowledge (Buddh).

What is the Asian religin?

well the main one is budda new answer: There are many religeons in Asia. The main religeon is Bhuddism, although there is also a strong Hindu presence, as well as many local religeons. In Japan, the classic religeon is Shinto, although it is not practiced as much as Bhuddism. There is very little Christian presence in the Asia most people think of, although Russia, the majority of which is in Asia, has a strong Eastern Orthodox church.

Where did Bhuddism start?

After an enlightenment Buddha has delivered his first discorse to five Ascetics at Deer park, Sarnath near Varanasi, INDIA. Therefore this place is called as Birthplace of Buddhism.

Does bhuddism beliieve in god?

Buddhism is usually considered a religion, but is also commonly described as a "spiritual philosophy", because it generally lacks an absolute creator god. The Buddhist approach is empirical and based on experience.