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No one knows for sure since this is not mentioned in the New Testament or some other contemporary document.

Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that the Shroud of Turin (whatever that artifact is) shows one nail through two feet.

Portrayals of the crucifixion did not begin to be made until the fourth or fifth century, however in the Western (Latin) Church, from that era to the thirteenth century most portrayals showed two nails for each of two feet. Gregory of Tours (538-594) and St. Ambrose of Milan (340? - 397) wrote of two nails. Beginning in the thirteenth century, one nail for two feet became the usual way to portray the crucifixion of Jesus, and this is thought by some to be due to the influence of the Shroud of Turin.

In addition to the above

Recent archaeological finds and historical Roman documentation now point to a single nail driven through the ankles of both feet. It seems this was the customary form of crucifixion in Jesus' day.

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Q: When jesus feet were nailed to the cross was his left foot over his right?
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What fastened jesus' hands and feet to the cross?

The person who nailed Jesus to the cross was a roman . As the Jews did not have the right to kill anybody. They did not have the power to do so.

How was Jesus hung om the cross?

He was nailed to the wooden cross by his hands and feet.

What does jesus' right hand nailed to the cross mean?

This is a very critical topic in Christianity. Jesus died to save our lives. Isn't that cool?! Anyway, Jesus' feet, left and right hand were nailed to the cross. Either hand doesn't have a special meaning, just He was nailed there to die and save our sins. God's amazing. I love Him so much!

How many nails were used to nail Him to the cross?

3, Three rusty nails, nailed Jesus to the cross. One in each hand and one in the feet, according to Christian tradition and records.

How was Jesus tOURCHERED?

Jesus the Christ was nailed through his wrists and ankles to a large wood cross, and left in agony. When this happens (being crucified), breathing becomes very difficult, and the person dies of suffocation. Many pictures and sculptures show Jesus being nailed to the cross through his hands and feet, but that is not how the Romans did it! A person nailed this way would tear away from the nails before they died. So they nailed through the wrists and ankles. Many think that the Roman soldier who speared Jesus in the side was trying to torture Him, but that was simply how they determined if the person had died, yet.

Where in the New Testament does it say Jesus' feet were nailed to the cross?

Most scientific studies would state that feet were nailed to support the body weight and lengthen the suffering of the convicted one. The New Testament Gospels does not mention Jesus being nailed to the 'tree, stake, or cross' as you will. Afterwards, it does seem to indicate He was also nailed to His feet here:36 Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, "Peace to you." 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have."Some also indicate that the Psalms mention Him as being nailed in His feet:Psalm 22:16New King James Version (NKJV) 16 For dogs have surrounded Me;The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.They pierced My hands and My feet;

What method of execution was used to kill Jesus?

Jesus of Nazareth was crucified according to the New Testament. Crucifixion is death by being tied to a cross (a giant wooden object shaped like an upright lowercase t without the curve at the bottom). Your body tries to support itself but eventually your muscles are unable to keep up the constant strain and you collapse forward and suffocate. Jesus, however, was a special case. According to the Bible he was nailed to the Cross. To support his weight the nails would have to be driven through his wrists, or possibly he was nailed through the hands and then tied to the cross. His feet were also nailed to the cross. Apparently according to the Bible Jesus was taking quite a long time to die. When Jesus finally apparently died, the Romans who executed him also stabbed him in the side to ensure his death.

Why did Jesus Christ die and what was the procedure?

jesus died for our sins, he was put on a cross with a crown of thorns and his hands and feet were nailed to the cross. to make sure he was dead he was stabbed with a sword in his side were water not blood came out. on top of the cross it says here lies the king of the jews. in different languages, he was next to two thieves.

Where does it say Jesus was nailed to a cross?

yesRoman Catholic AnswerDespite the crucifixes everyone sees, modern research indicates that Our Blessed Lord was most probably nailed through His wrists, as His Hands would have torn and would have been unable to bear the weight of His Body. There was probably a single nail through both feet to keep them from failing. He would have had to raise His Body on those three nails for every breath as the weight of your body when hanging like that makes you unable to breath in. The torture is excruciating as you can not even pass out from the pain, you wake up in order to raise yourself to breath the next time. The pain in your wrists and feet from the nails is beyond belief and even worse when you have to raise your weight to breath. Death finally comes from asphyxiation. Which is why they broke the legs of the two men who were still alive: with their legs broken, they couldn't raise themselves to breath in, so they suffocated.

Did they break jesus feet on the cross?

No, he was already dead.....

How did jesus die on a cross?

I have learned this at church long ago. It was terribly painful. They had whips, and they ripped into his flesh. It hurted so bad, and he also had it hands and feet NAILED to the cross, putting excruciating pain into his feet and hands. Keep in mind, that they are also whipping his flesh out, streams of blood dripping down. Scraping and scratching, I bet if you were there, you wouldn't have seen so much blood on the cross, the ground, and mostly, his body.

What does the cross mean to Christians?

The cross symbol can traced back 2000 years pre-Christ and used by non-Christian cultures as a "magic" to give protection or good fortune. Many Bible Scholars have agreed that Jesus was put to death on an upright stake not two pieces of timber placed at any angle. True Christians wholeheartedly believe that Jesus death provides us with an opportunity for deliverance; however, having a symbol of the tool used to end his life here on earth can lead to it becoming an object of devotion or worship, which is idolatry. As a result, true Christians refrain from using the cross in their worship.