

Best Answer

No one knows for sure, but the Bible's interpretation is that he will be a charismatic leader that everyone willingly follow him into the 'last battle' between good and evil.


The Bible does not specifically name the Antichrist but it does give us a methodology to identify him. The methodology requires an ability to transliterate his name into Hebrew and count the value of the Hebrew transliteration. In Hebrew, Aleph equals 1, Beit equals 2, Tet equals 9, Yod equals 10, Kaf 20, Resh 200, Shin 300 and Tav 400. A Hebrew dictionary gives the full list. The Antichrist's name, presumably first name and surname, must equal 666. Since names range in value from about 100 at the minimum to well over 1000 as a name like Timothy. R. Thomas might be, there could only be one chance in about 1200 or 1300 that a name could add to precisely 666. A nowadays common name in modern Israel, "Ronit", a female name, adds to 666 but a woman does not count in this issue and the antichrist has to be Roman not Israeli. There is no precise science in transliteration here. More than likely, the guide to spelling the antichrist's name in Hebrew will depend on etymology of names in Hebrew in the Bible. Nevertheless, as will be explained below, this can be done.

As noted, the Bible also makes it clear that The Antichrist must be Roman. That is because Daniel 9:24-27 requires this. Most people misread these verses. The syntax of the original language of the text requires that the 'he' of verse 27 refers to the "prince that shall come" of verse 26. So neither a Chinese, African, Asian, Polynesian, native American nor any other aboriginal group can provide The Antichrist. Probably only about 1 billion people at most count as "Roman". Half of them are women! As noted below, definite articles, indefinite articles, and as above pronouns, have to be handled carefully when reading ancient texts in languages like Hebrew, Chaldean etc.

The next stage of the methodology is more of an art than precise requirement. Nevertheless it will be quite analytical because one will need a very good knowledge of the Bible and its references to the Life of Jesus The Christ, the true Messiah of Israel. The Antichrist's life and rise to power will imitate, mimic, closely resemble and/or counterfeit Jesus' own path. This probably has to be the case so that people will be more easily deceived. However, without a good grasp of Jesus' early history, most people will not realise where the deceptions lie. Firstly, The Antichrist will be conceived in a way that is unusual, like Jesus. If God through the Holy Spirit caused Mary to conceive as the Scriptures tell us, Satan will attempt to conceive his counterfeit. There is a debate whether Satan will do this by direct consummation with a woman or by use of In Vitro Fertilisation using The Human Genome Project that in theory can generate a template of perfect genes to code into a woman's egg. The former seems simpler and more obvious but the latter might be the raison d'etre for modern genetic research.

Since a candidate for the antichrist has arisen and we know who his mother is, and who she might have conceived children with, direct intercourse between Satan and a woman seems even more likely now. Many women have no idea whom they have conceived children by. In this case, the mother has discussed in public an unusual event in her life that observers might identify with Satan and one of the descriptions of him in the Bible. In any event, one might say that in both Jesus' own case and with this current candidate, there will be doubt, mystery or something unique surrounding the circumstances of the child's conception.

Our candidate's mother later married another man. Before she met her current husband, she had already named her son. This is the same pattern with Mary and Joseph. The nature of this potential-antichrist's first name gives us a very strong clue regarding the ancient ethnicity of his forefathers. It's a classic Roman imperial family name. It used to be a typical Roman custom to name a child in that manner. The etymology of the name of this woman's husband, the child's step-father, is interesting because his name can be read "king of kings" or "king and king" in the old languages of the Eastern and Western Roman empires. Since we now realise that the Trojans who founded Rome after the defeat of Troy, were probably Chaldeans or Galatians, also named Celts, Chaldi, and Kurds and Hittites, depending on the language and ethnicity of the nations that talked about them, we can say that 'Rome' today extends west from Iraq to California or Vancouver. This is a very wide catchment for the Antichrist to come from but it is an important factor in limiting information so that his identity can be discerned before his rise to power and indeed several years before even he realises who he is chosen to be - Satan's only begotten Son. This also explains why a 'Roman' Antichrist might want to return his kingdom to Babylon (Southern Iraq). Rome was founded by Chaldeo-Babylonian refugees from Troy. That narrows the choices down to a particular city, as does actually happen with the origin of this candidate's mother.

Thus, to have a child with a classic Roman imperial family name for a first name plus a surname meaning "king of kings", or "king and king", then being able to transliterate this into Hebrew and arrive at a number of 666 is "statistically unusual" and that is an understatement.

There are other clues. Satan eventually corners Israel in Petra in Jordan, the ancient capital of the Edomites. Edom, although not all Edomites for some were good men (Jethro, father-in-law to Moses), has always wanted to destroy Israel. Edom's descendants in various refugee camps in the Middle East are trying to do this now. Our candidate for The Antichrist, taken by his mother and step-father, has already visited Petra. There may not be any significance in that. We may have mis-identified this person because the spelling of his name may not be absolutely correct in transliteration into Hebrew. It is quite likely that until he signs his name on some sort of official document, which may not be until he signs the Seven-Year Covenant with Israel, we will not be absolutely certain how to transliterate his name into Hebrew. For example, if he decides to adopt the surname of the man whom his mother has identified as his father, his (full) name comes nowhere near 666. It only gets exceedingly close to 666 when his first name, we dare not call it his 'christian' name, and step-father's name are used together. It may also depend on whether he uses a middle initial as many names do. He may not need to add a middle initial but there may be one or two reasons he desires to. His first- and sur-names are sufficient and together they make up a truly classical name with much, or even rich, meaning along the lines of "Majesty - king of kings". The letter 'a' or aleph in Hebrew has the value of 1 and vowels (such as 'ae' which may count as '2') may be added to enrich the name or make pronunciation more distinct or precise. Thus we depend finally on a signed name on an official document to be sure we have identified The Antichrist.

So the precise sequence of letters in his name will be very important. However, before that can be formally confirmed, we may well see various moves made on this person's behalf, or that he himself makes, that will eventually propel him to the position of world leader. Knowing in advance who he is will help us to monitor his progress and report on it. Mr Tony Blair, who is not the Antichrist, although he is a servant of the leading candidate for Antichrist's false prophet (The Pope), is anxious to be the first elected President of "Europe", whatever that means or will mean in the next few years. So, as we observe the current step-father of this candidate for the Antichrist, we may get more clues as time goes on especially if the step-father takes on a new or other significant role. If Jesus' life is to be paralleled, we may see much less or even nothing of the step-father as time goes on. The step-father may even die relatively early in the process like Joseph, Jesus' step-father, seems to have done. If the Antichrist takes on the mantle of an Alexander of Macedon, he may even be involved in the removal of his step-father.

So 'how The Antichrist will come to be' is a good question that we can now answer to quite a significant extent. We now have someone whose name equals 666 when that is really a very difficult thing to effect. The number of his name is not the only factor that is of interest at the moment. We would be surprised if the mother of this candidate named her son so that his first name, added to her future husband's surname, unknown to her at the time of the birth of her child, would then give a full name that equalled 666. The circumstances that we know of from many published reports and official documents mean that this is either a very unusual quirk of statistics or far more powerful forces than mere men and women are at work here. Let's be practical and fair. It may simply be a statistical oddity, freak (quirk). Otherwise, the Materialists will be silenced by these developments. The Eastern philosophies of India, China, Tibet, Persia etc., which do away with a god, will likewise be silenced. In fact it makes much sense of the Pope's and Dalai Llama's frequent discussions regarding unity around a cosmic force one group will name 'God' and the other 'Nirvana'.

Addendum to above from a different reviewer:

"He will come from a present day country that is within the boundries of BOTH the old Roman Empire, and the Grecian empire that Alexander the great built."

Comment on the above addendum:

Yes, the surname in particular reflects that point. The meaning "king of kings" that can be derived from the surname, reflects the languages of the above prescribed region(s). The contemporary names of those regions, and the titles of the rulers of those regions, were transliterated into the Hebrew Bible by the scribes. That process in turn gives us the precedents to know which Hebrew letter to use for the calculation. If the current candidate turns out not to be the Antichrist the exercise nevertheless crystallizes the methodology we need to identify the eventual candidate.

A Biblical Perspective:Antichrist will NOT "come to be." Antichrist already IS.

The term "antichrist" appears in the Bible only four times. It is used exclusively by the apostle John in his New Testament epistles, and contrary to uninformed (read: popular) opinion, it does not appear in the book of Revelation.

Here are the only passages containing a mention of antichrist:

1 John 2:18, 19 - Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

1 John 2:22 - Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:3 - And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

2 John 1:7 - For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

These verses reveal the following:

1) Antichrist is not one individual; there are many.

2) Antichrist is not a person; it is a spirit of false teaching.

3) Antichrist is not "yet to come;" it was "already in the world" as John wrote.

4) Antichrist "went out from us;" it is a departure from the truth.

5) Antichrist has a specific agenda: to deceive.

6) Antichrist denies the Father and the Son.

7) Antichrist denies that Jesus came in the flesh (true of Gnosticism in John's day, and numerous false teachings since)

There is a specific reason for much of the confusion about "antichrist:" some more modern Bible translations (NKJV, NIV) personify, or individualize, the concept of "antichrist" by placing the word "the" before its first mention in 1 John 2:18, which is absent in the King James translation. The New King James in particular compounds the error by capitalizing "Antichrist."

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

The NIV also adds the word "the," but does not capitalize "antichrist."

Now here's the original King James translation:

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

No "the," small "a." In this regard, the NASB is also accurate:

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour.

This is what Scripture says of "antichrist." Beyond this lurks fanciful speculation.

Another Biblical Perspective

Other terms like "Rapture" or "Trinity" ("Triunity") do not appear in the Bible either but that does not negate their reality. In Isaiah 48:12 and 16, someone calling himself "The First and the Last" and "Creator" in verse 12, also says "God and His Spirit sent Me" in verse 16. Obviously this is as close as the Old Testament comes to referring to what we might label "The Triunity". Actually, this person in Isaiah is perhaps an even more specific statement on the Triunity (or Trinity perhaps) than anything in the New Testament.

So it is similar with "The Antichrist". Really, this person's identity begins with Genesis 3:15 not John's epistles. Satan will have a seed or offspring who will challenge Jesus. This will be "The Antichrist". One such challenge, before Satan actually sires (or sired) a human child, was when he sent demons into the world to mate with women in order to pollute humankind's procreation and to prevent a woman from giving birth to God. For example, the actual text of Eve's statement when she gave birth to Cain was "I have given birth to a man 'The Jehovah (God)' ". Of course Mary could say this when Yeshua-Jesus was born. Satan tried to stop that happening until the Flood of Noah's time intervened and saved four untainted women [Professor Sykes' Seven (or 'four'?) daughters of Eve perhaps?]

In Daniel, there is a person who speaks terrible things about God and even signs a covenant with Israel. Later, this person turns against Israel. About 130 verses in the Bible can be identified as referring to the Antichrist as an individual. In Revelation, this person spoken of in these 130 or so verses, is given a number via his name transliterated into Hebrew as referred to above. Certainly, he is not named "The Antichrist" in Revelationeven though he is obviously "antichrist". He is certainly not pro-Christ. However, unless one does acknowledge a person is spoken of in the Bible who will execute great powers not seen in any man so far (Jesus excepted) a lot of verses simply make no literal sense. Those who do not adopt such literalist options instead prefer to see words in the Bible in a spiritual, allegorical, metaphorical or typological context before any literal sense.

The problem referred to above concerning definite and indefinite articles, in particular regarding antichrist in John's writings, also occurs with that great title Jesus used for Himself: "The Son of Man". In the Old Testament sources for this title, it is not clear whether it should be translated into English from the Chaldean or Hebrew, depending on the Scripture used, as 'a' or 'the' Son of Man. It may even have been because of the imprecision of the term (or title) "Son of Man" in the Old Testament that Jesus' opponents realised they could not legally nail Him for blasphemy. That may have been why they wanted Him to "plainly" tell them He is "The Son of God". Likewise with "antichrist". There may be reasons for 'imprecision'. Taken within the context of a limited range of Scripture, such as two of John's epistles, one might come to the conclusion there is no specific individual antichrist in addition to the various antichrists (small 'a') that this world has seen e.g., Alexander the patricide, murderer and Slav/Serbian/Macedonian, Adolf Hitler the Austro-German and Pol Pot the Cambodian, etc. Anyway, it can be argued that the definite article should be in I John 2:18 but modern scholars of the Greek that is used in the New Testament are clearly divided on that issue. John speaks of many antichrists that have come and one that will come. The very fact of two tenses, one future and the other past, suggests a distinction between antichrist-types generally and one in particular with unique characteristics. However, that may well be an incorrect interpretation in itself and not what John meant. It is difficult to be dogmatic on this point. Therefore, one needs to move toward a wider basis for discussion. Perhaps that is not appropriate here or under this question.

However, it is worth noting one reasonably practical issue. John was not a Greek scholar and modern scholars are not necessarily that well versed in the language either. One might argue that the Queen Elizabeth I/King James translation team (late 16th/early 17th century UK) was better versed in ancient Greek, and Hebrew with assistance of cooperating Jewish Hebrew scholars of that day, than modern scholars. From the reconstruction of ancient Egyptian history, where the chronology of Egypt has been truncated from 26 dynasties between 2900 BC and 550 BC to about 8 between 2200 BC and 550 BC, including a 500 year period of anarchic conditions under the Amalekite-Hyksos (1500 - 1000 BC), we now understand "Greek" actually derived from what we might label a 'proto-Phoenician' lingua franca that dominated the Mediterranean region from circa 900-550 BC. That language had roots in Hebrew and 'Chaldean' and probably treated 'definite articles' in a similar fashion to its mother languages. Words such as Pathros("Botzrah" in Isaiah and Jeremiah), Shecinah-Skenoo(used by John in 1:14) later emerged in the Greek language of 300 BC onwards. Thus the "Greek" language probably inherited Patros and Skenoo from Hebrew via this putative 'proto-Phoenician'. The Assyrian, Chaldean and Persian advances from 750 to 300 BC, drove this 'proto-Phoenician' language out of Asia and Africa hence it became confined to the Greek Peloponnese where it emerged in the classical and other later forms after 500 BC. Thus, many understandings about Greek tenses and uses of definite articles etc., are now having to come under scrutiny as we try to figure out what the "Greek", or particular type of "Greek", might actually have meant when the New Testament writers used it. By and large there may not be many problems emerging from this. But Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, the Hebrewsauthor, Peter, James and Jude may have used principles of grammar, depending on each writer's particular understanding, that we are no longer aware of. That is why it is far safer to do one's study of "The Antichrist" on a much broader scriptural basis covering the full range of books actually in the Bible and possibly as many as 130 entries or verses in those books.

Overall, one is much safer, even "wiser", to conclude there will be a particular "Antichrist" who is yet to come. World events are so out of control, ranging from nonsense about anthropogenic global warming (in contrast to actual global warming) to mishandling of monetary systems, that most commentators are now arguing for globalization of institutions. "The Antichrist" is the 'little horn' the Bible tells us will emerge through all this chaos.


Some manuscripts show "616" as the "number of his name". That came from a desire to label Caesar Nero as The Antichrist. That shows, if nothing else, that the early church was looking for a single person to fit the prophecies. However, "Nero Caesar" transliterated into Hebrew yields a value of just 616. So, in some quarters, they named him Neron Caesar so that by adding a letter 'n' or nun in Hebrew which has a value of fifty the sum of 666 could be reached. But that was a cheap corruption of Scripture and as most commentators say, only a small number of old manuscripts show this variation. The people then were not wrong to assume there would be such an individual, despite the comments of the writer above. Where some people erred was in trying to make a name fit and then to advertise that name. Above, it has been stated that there is indeed a name of a young person with a name meaning "Majesty - king of kings" alive right now and this name transliterated into Hebrew does come to 666. However, we will have to await some formal use of the name on a document of some sort. That will have to confirm the precise spelling of the name the child uses, or the name his mother and step-father adopt for him. Yeshua's parents named him according to angelic instruction. Yeshua-Jesus' surname 'of Nazareth' or 'Son of Joseph' was probably based on local custom. For Christians, the most important instruction is to be ready, waiting and watching. But that does not rule out keeping an eye open for any information that might just reveal who the Antichrist is before it becomes obvious to the world at large. There are too many verses in the whole Biblical text about some sort of evil world ruler to ignore the probability that there is One Particular Antichrist, One Particular Man (Roman). Yes, there have been lots of nasty antichrist types and the world is full of an antichrist spirit. But that does not rule out the candidacy for one particular 666!

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8y ago

He's described as charismatic. handsome, very very tall, extremely high intellects, wise like unto Solomon, a very spellbinding speaker, comes across as very compassionate and loving of mankind and caring of its problems. An Economic genius without parallel, a statesman without parallel. He will in short be considered so wonderful in everyway, that everyone will mistake him as the Messiah. He will actually solve and make peace between Israel, and its Arab neighbors and so likewise also assist in making possible th Jewish rebuilding of their Temple.

He is however called, That wicked, the idol Shepard, the man of sin, the son of perdition, the beast, etc. in The Bible, as each of these names describe an aspect of his true nature which the world will not come to behold unti he takes the mask off and demands worship as God 3 and a half years after signing a peace treaty with the nation of Israel that resolves the Jewish Arab conflict. He will be assassinated and brought back to life for the world to behold, and he will come to be indwelt by the very Devil himself. Just as Christ was God in the flesh, the antichrist will be Satan in the flesh.

Answer From Biblical text:

Read Ezekiel 38 Where Satan is called the King of Tyre

Read John 8:44 Where Christ identifies him as the 1st murder and the father of all liars

Read Revelation 12 which identifies Satan with all of his related names

Read 2nd Thessalonians 2 - Where Paul describes him Satan as antichrist in the end of days

Read Revelation 9 which identifies the initial coming of Satan as antichrist

Read Daniel 11 and 7 where Satan (The Antichrist) is identified as the "Little Horn" who is identified as the 2nd Beast in Revealtion 13.

Read Revelation 11 which refers to the beast identified in Revelation 9 (Abaddon or Apollyon)

Read Revealtion 11

Read John 1:18-22 (Remember Satan has children .. the Kenite, whom Christ identifies in John 8)

Read John 4:3

Read 2 John 1:7

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13y ago

In Christianity, it states that there will a beast (the anti-christ) that will rule the known world for 3 1/2 years and make war against the Jews.

The Antichrist has been upon the earthy since the time of Adam, his name is Satan or Lucifer, he who was cast out of heaven with his angels. There have been many followers of Satan who have preched against the divinity of Christ, these too are Antichrist. The first answer is refering to a time when Christ will reign upon the earth and Satan will be bound for a ceratin perieod of time. He will then be released for one final effort to turn the man against Christ.


" ye have heard that antichrist shall come, EVEN NOW ARE THERE MANY ANTICHRISTS; whereby we know that it is the last time." (I John 2:18)

The general world "attitude" or "spirit" that stands in "opposition" to Christs' teachings and those of the Bible is indeed that of Satan, the original "spirit of antichrist."

But some of the "many" antichrists are more obvious than others. Certainly, all the hundreds [thousands?] of religions in the world that DON'T profess Christ are among the obvious. There is no mystery to solve or subterfuge with them.

John speaks above, regarding the "church of God" itself from whence the most deceptive spirit of antichrist shall emerge. He is writing his letter to THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH OF GOD! Speaking of the "many" antichrists extant even then, he says:

"THEY WENT OUT FROM US, but they were not OF US; for if they had been OF US, they would no doubt have continued with us: but THEY WENT OUT, that they might be made manifest that they were not of us." (I John 2:19)

The very first warning Jesus gave to His disciples regarding the end time was to BEWARE OF FALSE CHRISTS [antichrists]:

"...TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. For many [antichrists] shall come in My name, saying, I am Christ; and SHALL DECEIVE MANY." (Matt.24:4-5)

Paul, who planted the seeds of many of God's early churches, spent a great portion of his time weeding out the antichrists among them. Many of his letters dealt with different aspects of deception from which many of them were suffering.

"...I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there BE NO DIVISIONS AMONG YOU; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

"For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you." (I Cor.1:10-11)

"I marvel that ye are so soon removed from Him that called you into the grace of Christ unto ANOTHER GOSPEL: which is NOT another; but there be SOME THAT TROUBLE YOU, and would PERVERT THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST." (Gal.1:6- 7)

Much of Paul's time was spent "weeding out the antichrists" and maintaining the spiritual integrity of God's churches.

And as his end drew near... he too warned the churches to beware of the "false Christs" [antichrists] that would divide God's church into denominations of varying beliefs and doctrines.

"FOR I KNOW THIS, that after my departing shall GRIEVOUS WOLVES ENTER IN AMONG YOU, not sparing the flock. Also OF YOUR OWN SELVES SHALL MEN ARISE, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.

"Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of THREE YEARS I CEASED NOT TO WARN EVERY ONE night and day with tears." (Acts 20:29-31)

"Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he might be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back [the constant efforts of Paul, himself] will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way." (II Thess.2:5-7 NIV)

Paul was speaking of the prophesied "Beast," further revealed to us in Revelation 13, a writing which he never saw. He thought that he would be one of those still alive on earth to see Jesus Christ returning with clouds... and thought the "Beast" was closer to being revealed than he actually was.

"...WE WHO ARE STILL ALIVE and ARE LEFT WILL BE CAUGHT UP TOGETHER WITH THEM [the resurrected dead in Christ - verse 16] IN THE CLOUDS..." (I Thess.4:17).

The REAL antichrists the Bible warns God's people of... are ALL THE ONES POSING AS JESUS CHRIST... claiming to represent Christ... who APPEAR to be Christian -- but who speak: "...AS A DRAGON..." (Rev.13:11).

Not some obvious non-Christ professing religion in the world.

The Beasts of Revelation 13 are TWO: The Beast, who will be a powerful political/military leader of the resurrected "fourth Beast of Daniel" [chapter 7], the Holy Roman Empire:

"...and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority..." (Rev.13:2).

And "another Beast" [Rev.13:11] who shall be the miracle-working member of the "duo" who shall be the leader of a powerful global religious organization that "PROFESSES JESUS CHRIST!" He's described elsewhere in the Bible as the FALSE PROPHET!

"...he had two horns LIKE A LAMB [he appears Christ-like], and he SPAKE AS A DRAGON [that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan - Rev.12:9... the spirit of antichrist, himself]." (Rev.13:11)

Nowhere in the Bible is there prophesied to come "THE Antichrist"... as being one major end time leader of the coming one-world government, as so many men have claimed... or made so much money off of "Antichrist literature."

The name "THE Antichrist" [of which Satan must be getting a great chuckle] is probably the name some men have transposed and given the coming biblical "Beast"... but nowhere does the Bible call him by such a name.

It is not "THE Antichrist" whom Jesus captures at His coming and casts alive into the Lake of Fire -- it's TWO MEN -- THE BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET!

"...And the BEAST was taken, and with him the FALSE PROPHET that wrought miracles before him... These BOTHwere cast alive into a Lake of Fire burning with brimstone." (Rev.19:20)

"THE Antichrist" [as men have portrayed him] IS NOT COMING! Two "wolves in sheep's clothing" are coming: the Beast and the False Prophet. The Beast will get his power and authority directly from Satan, the Dragon [the spirit of antichrist] -- Rev.13:2.


And the power of Satan will be "channeled through the Beast" into the False Prophet, who shall always work his miracles IN THE PRESENCE OF THE BEAST.

"...he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast BEFORE HIM... and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which HE HAD THE POWER TO DO IN THE SIGHT OF THE BEAST..." (Rev.13:11-14).

"...the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that WROUGHT MIRACLES BEFORE HIM, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast..." (Rev.19:20).

The spirit of antichrist is alive and well and at work in the hundreds of divided denominations of modern professing Christianity. It's not coming... it's already here... and has been here since Jesus ascended into heaven. His disciples contended with it from the moment they received the gift of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.

And the two prophesied end time "Beasts"... the coming world leaders of the resurrected Roman Empire will both exercise the power of the "spirit of antichrist" [Satan] -- but the Bible calls neither of them, "THE Antichrist."

"...I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the DRAGON[Satan], and out of the mouth of the BEAST, and out of the mouth of the FALSE PROPHET. For they are the spirits of devils [demons], working miracles, which go forth UNTO THE KINGS OF THE EARTH and of THE WHOLE WORLD, to gather them to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty... and he [should be THEY, the three unclean spirits of antichrist] GATHERED THEM TOGETHER INTO A PLACE CALLED IN THE HEBREW TONGUE ARMAGEDDON." (Rev.16:13-16)

The Antichrist isn't coming. He's been here all along. His name is Satan the Devil. He's the "god of this world." He is growing in power, however, as the last days draw to a close. As stated above... he will give the Beast his power for 3 1/2 years [Rev.13:5)... which is a very short time, but enough time [with man's advanced modern technology and weaponry] to bring all life on earth to the brink of annihilation.

"...those days will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now -- and never to be equaled again. If the Lord had not cut short those days, NO ONE WOULD SURVIVE. But for the sake of the elect, whom He has chosen, He has shortened them." (Mark 13:19-20 NIV)

"...Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the Devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." (Rev.12:12)

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13y ago

That truly depends on your belief system.

Keep in mind that some don't believe there is an Antichrist to be revealed at all while others believe the Antichrist is anything in society that opposes God's word and will, so it is actions and not a physical man or being to them.

However, others truly believe that there is a man who will make himself known to the world as one bringing peace and goodwill to everyone, but his true intentions are only to bring death, destruction, and obedience for Satan and his rule over mankind and the Earth.

Some believe that he( The Antichrist) has already made himself known countless times before, and some believe he is, in fact, known right now and among us, but has only revealed himself to a select few.

And there are others that say that in the year 2011, he is very close to revealing who he is, but that no one will know beforehand and cannot know as most will be fooled by his false promises of prosperity toward mankind.

So, truthfully, no one can say for certain whether he is about to reveal himself or if there is more time in between.


There is no individual that the Bible names "The Antichrist."

This alleged "biblical person," for whom men are seeking in these last days, is a misdirection and deception of Satan, himself, upon mankind.

The Bible speaks of a "man" whom it calls "the son of perdition" who shall "be revealed" [II Thess.2:3] -- and this is one area in which men have superposed the imaginary name; "The Antichrist."

But, II Thessalonians 2:3 doesn't say that this "son of perdition" will "reveal himself." It says that he "will be" revealed.

He will be revealed [for who he is] to those who know the Truth of God. To those who have God's wisdom, knowledge and understanding revealed to them -- by His grace.

As for the rest of the world -- the "son of perdition" will be viewed as a "hero"... a "saint"... a "savior." He is also known by other names.

The Bible reveals "two men" who shall come to power in the last days... the "Beast" and the "False Prophet." The world seems basically ignorant of these two prophesied figures... and are looking, instead, for "one man" -- "The Antichrist."

Religious doctrines and theories abound... and more than a few books have been written, touting this imaginary person, whereby many have become wealthy.

The Beast is set forth in the Bible as a "political/military" leader of his kingdom, which is also the "Beast." In the Bible, the term "king" and "kingdom" are interchangeable [see Dan.2:37-39]. Therefore, the Beast and his Kingdom are one and the same... it will be the "government system" that arises from the coming global economic and social collapse.

The four different metals that compose the "metalic man" of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2, compares with Daniel's dream of "four beasts" in chapter 7. They are the four major world-ruling empires down through history... the combined system design traits of which are still used by the governments of the nations, today... inherited from the last world-ruling "beast," the 'Holy' Roman Empire.

This "design" of the Roman Empire [Daniel's fourth beast] will resurrect in the end... and the prophesied "Beast" and "False Prophet" will rise to lead it.

Prophecy reveals this time as one of "great distress" on the earth... unprecedented distress such as the world has never experienced before, or ever shall after it.

"For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should be no flesh be saved..." (Matt.24:21-22).

The full capability of global destruction at man's fingertips has yet to be released. Mankind has yet to cross this unimaginable bridge.

But when it happens... it will be then that the "son of perdition" will be revealed to God's elect. To the rest of the world... he will be revealed by the False Prophet as a "God" -- to be WORSHIPED!

Together, these two men shall be "worshiped" by the deceived world.

It's the False Prophet who shall perform miraclesand "lying wonders" on behalf of, and while in the presence of the Beast.

"...I beheld another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a Dragon." (Rev.13:11)

This "other" Beast is the False Prophet. A "prophet" is regarded as a "religious" figure [not normally associated with political or military influence or powers]. The False Prophet will be viewed by the world as being "lamb-like"... "Christ-like"... a "Christian." But the words he speaks and the works he does will be "satanic" ["...the great Dragon... that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world..." Rev.12:9].

It will be the False Prophet's "religious" influence and "miracles and lying wonders, channeled through the Satan-possessed Beast when they stand together," that will sell the Beast to the world as being worthy of "worship."

"...I... saw a Beast rise up out of the sea... and the Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority." (Rev.13:1-2)

As for the "other" Beast, the False Prophet: "...he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first Beast... and he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven [like fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit? - see Acts 2:3] on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had the power to do in the sight of the Beast..." (Rev.13:12-14).

There is not one word in the book of Revelation that says: "The Antichrist." Neither of these two prophesied men are called by God, "The Antichrist." But it will be these two leaders of the coming Great Tribulation whom Jesus will immediately capture at His coming and cast alive into the Lake of Fire.

"...the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped his image [idol]. These BOTH were cast alive into a Lake of Fire burning with brimstone." (Rev.19:20)

The world is looking for "The Antichrist" -- and Satan will most assuredly hand one to the world. Whoever he turns out to be, he will be seen by the world as a "bad guy." But he won't be who the world thinks he is. He will probably be one of God's "elect" who knows and keeps the Word of God... and be hated, accordingly. God's Truth is what the world "hates"... not one of its own.

"...If ye were of the world, the world would love its own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." (John 15:19)

No... the Beast and the False Prophet will be "loved" by the world. They will be "saviors"... and their "revealing" will be a deception on the nations.

"...and ALL THE WORLD wondered after the Beast. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast [just as the world has worshiped Satan since the Garden of Eden]: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Rev.13:3-4)

If anyone answers to the term "The Antichrist"... it will be these two coming evil leaders of the final attempt by man at establishing one-world government, who are mentioned in the Bible. But you hear the world speak very little [or not at all] about them.

Their "revealing" will be one of "hero worship" in the eyes of the deceived world.

And whoever finally gets labeled with the moniker, "The Antichrist," will probably be someone like... or exactly, the "Two Witnesses."

"...These have the power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy [three-and-a-half years - verse 3]: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will." (Rev.11:6)

The nations of the earth will not receive the Two Witnesses favorably. They will be viewed as "evil" when they are "revealed."

"And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall REJOICE over them, and MAKE MERRY, and shall send gifts one to another; becauseTHESE TWO PROPHETS TORMENTED THEM THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH." (verses 9-10)

So, be advised -- whoever is finally "revealed" to the world as "The Antichrist" -- WON'T BE!

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12y ago

Many people are STILL waiting for the Bible antichrist to "rise", when the truth is, the main end time antichrist is already with us and has been with us for a long time.

The great protestant reformers knew who the antichrist was and revealed it to the world hundreds of years ago. Who did they believe the antichrist was?

John Wycliffe - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

John Huss - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

Martin Luther - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

William Tyndale - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

John Foxe - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

John Wesley - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

John Knox - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

Ellen White - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

John Calvin - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

Charles Spurgeon - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

Sir Isaac newton - Antichrist is the Roman Catholic Church

The description of the main Bible antichrist, which is the little horn of Daniel 7, the sea beast of Revelation 13 and the Whore of Babylon in Revelation 17, perfectly matches the Papal Church of Rome, which is what the Protestant reformers above saw.

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7y ago

Many people are still waiting for the antichrist to appear, but the end time Bible antichrist is already here and has been with us for a long time.

The Protestant reformers revealed who the antichrist was hundreds of years ago:

John Wycliffe - Papal Church

Martin Luther - Papal Church

John Knox - Papal Church

John Wesley - Papal Church

John Calvin - Papal Church

Ellen White - Papal Church

Sir Issac Newton - Papal Church

The descriptions given in the Bible about the little horn of Daniel, the beast of Revelation 13 and Babylon the Great matches perfectly with the Papal Church of Rome.

Additional answer: The logical place to begin when searching for the identity of the antichrist is in the Bible, where the term appears five times.

The only Bible writer to use the word "antichrist" is the apostle John. How did he describe the antichrist? Note these words in the first letter bearing his name: "Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared, from which fact we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of our sort . . . Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son."-1 John 2:18, 19, 22.

The apostle John understood the antichrist to be all who deliberately spread religious deception about Jesus Christ and Jesus' teachings. John mentioned "many antichrists," indicating that the antichrist is, not an individual, but a collective term. People or organizations making up the antichrist spread lies, deny that Jesus is the Christ, or the Messiah, and try to distort the relationship between God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Those who make up the antichrist claim to be Christ or his representatives, but since "they went out from us," they deviated from true Bible teachings. Furthermore, this group was present at the time when John wrote his letter, in "the last hour," presumably the end of the time of the apostles.

What else did John write regarding the antichrist? Speaking about false prophets, he warned: "Every inspired statement that acknowledges Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with God. But every inspired statement that does not acknowledge Jesus does not originate with God. Furthermore, this is the antichrist's inspired statement that you have heard was coming, and now it is already in the world." (1 John 4:2, 3) Then, in his second letter, John reiterated this point: "Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 7) Clearly, John understood the antichrist to be all who deliberately spread religious deception about Jesus Christ and Jesus' teachings.

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You are given the answer as to when the anti-Christ will appear in Daniel 11 and 7 (little horn) as well as Revelation 9 and 13 (second beast) Abaddon Apollyon.

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15y ago

He's here already. Read the Bible again, then look at what people have said about Barack Obama & what he's doing.

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