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When Stephen was martyred in ch8... However, he was known as Saul then; becoming Paul after his conversion on the road to Damascus.

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Q: When is Paul first mentioned in Acts?
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Where in the Bible is the name Paul first mentioned?

Paul is first mentioned in the bible in the book of Acts.

Is Paul in the new testement?

Yes. Paul was first mentioned in the book of Acts, Acts 7:58, his name was Saul then. Later his name changed to Paul, Acts 13:9. Paul also wrote 13 books in the new testament, Romans - Philemon.

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Ananias is the only person mentioned in the verses that talks about Paul's baptism. ACTS 9:17-19

How many times prayer mentioned in acts?

I'm not sure but in the whole Bible its only mentioned 114 times. IN acts in the first 4 chapters its only mentioned twice.

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Paul himself, in his epistles, never mentioned his birthplace. The Acts of the Apostles, written some decades later, has Paul say that he was from Tarsus.

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The first convert of Paul is not specified in the Bible. The first mentioned is Sergius Paulus.

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Paul's First Missionary Journey. Recorded in Acts 13: 1 to 13

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In Paul's epistle to the Colossians

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Paul's traveling partners included Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, Luke, and Mark. They accompanied him on his missionary journeys throughout the Mediterranean region, sharing the gospel and establishing churches.

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The gifts of the Spirit are spoken of at greatest length by the Apostle Paul in First Corinthians. You will also find considerable mention of them (or allusions to them) in the gospels, Acts, Romans, and Hebrews.

Who was the first great missionary of the Christian church?

While this depends somewhat on how one defines the term missionary, the first Christian that appeared to take on the missionary role was Philip the Evangelist. He was first mentioned in Acts 6:5 in the Bible. However, his missionary travels are described in Acts 8:5-40. He served in the first decades of the church in the 1st century AD.

Was there a riot in Jerusalem because Paul brought a gentile into the temple?

Yes, as read about in Acts 21:27. Paul seemed to have this effect on the Jews whenever he mentioned his call to the gentiles.