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They say, "Peace be with you."

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Q: When in Catholic Mass people turn to each other during the service what do they say?
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The Mass is the primary service of worship in the Catholic Church as well as some other sects of Christianity.

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Roman Catholic AnswerNone, the Catholic Church did more than any other institution to save people during Hitler's reign of terror in Europe.

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A Lutheran service is like a Catholic mass because they both take communion and have the option to drink from the mass. Also, they receive sacraments, in other words.

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Most spanish, latino, and other hispanic people are catholic, and their baptisms follow the catholic tradition.

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Catholic Charities, as with any other Catholic institution does not card people who are in need.

How should one act during a burial service?

During a burial service one should act with dignity and compassion to the other people there. One should not be afraid to show their emotions and sadness but should try to be as quiet as possible.

Do Muslims and catholic people talk to each other?

I am a Muslim. My Mom is a catholic. Yes, we talk lol.

Can a Catholic be a bridesmaid at a protestant wedding?

You would have to check with your pastor on this, it would depend on the religion of the people getting married, what type of service it was, and other factors, check with your pastor or your confessor.

Does the catholic church have service blessing a relationship other than a marriage cermony?

Ifa Catholic was married by a justice of the peace in a civil ceremony, the marriage can be validated,or blessed, by the Catholic church under ceratin conditions ( first marriage,etc.). It is not a new marraige, but a validation of the existing marriage. If not not married, there is no service blessing of a relationship.

Who broke with Catholic Church?

First of all the Greek Orthodox broke with the Catholic Church and then during the period called the reformation the the "reformists" broke with the Catholic Church and formed various 'protestant' churches