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According to the salutation of the book of "Revelation" [singular, no "s"]... "...THE TIME IS AT HAND." (Rev.1:3)

The time for the end of man's rule on earth and the return of Jesus Christ is near.

The chronological events of Revelation, portrayed in parable form, ultimately reveal the end of God's plan for man to be born into His Divine Family and the New Beginning of their lives as the immortal Children of God ruling the universe.

The progression of those events have been ongoing since Jesus ascended into heaven. The "seven seals" on the book [scroll] that hide the prophetic meanings of the events that shall come to pass have been "stripped away" by Jesus Christ [Rev.5-6]... and revealed to "His servants" [Rev.1:1] by Him.

The first four seals are the common everyday events of our lives that have plagued man from the beginning: false religion, war, famine, pestilence and disease. They're known as the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

We live these woes daily.

These global events that are so common to our existence in this world that we barely notice them, have been and are building in intensity and severity - as man's false religions foster unending wars and hatreds... which most generally result in more severe famines, pestilences and diseases.

The first four horsemen of the Apocalypse are our everyday lives. This is taking place right now. And they are on the increase as rapid travel and communication have made the world "smaller." So small, that men have begun to implement their plans for a single global government.

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse [Revelation] are even now picking up speed toward the "fifth seal"... a time of unprecedented Great Tribulation, which, according to The Bible, the world has never experienced before... nor will it ever again, afterward.

The "fifth seal" will happen when society and the economic world collapses... when utter global bankruptcy, desperation and panic forces the once sovereign nations of the world into the waiting arms of a "Beast" [God's symbol for man's governments - see Daniel 7].

Even once-great America [who has forsaken her God] is now being brought to her knees by the "Dragon" [Satan - Rev.13] who gives the growing Beast his power and authority]. This is ongoing.

The Bible says that what we have been living is only "the beginning of sorrows" [Matt.24:8]... or "tribulation." It says the "fifth seal" [the Great Tribulation] will begin with a global intolerance for the "name of Jesus Christ."

"...Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and SHALL KILL YOU: and YE SHALL BE HATED OF ALL NATIONS FOR MY NAME'S SAKE." (Matt.24:9)

Never before in history has the name of Jesus Christ been the issue that it is becoming at this present time. When Jesus' name is beginning to be outlawed because it might be offensive to someone or cause political unrest and public riots... or worse.

The four horsemen are finally building up to the global conditions required by the "fifth seal"... global intolerance of the name of Jesus Christ... and for anyone who will dare utter it aloud.

"...I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they held... and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, THAT SHOULD BE KILLED AS THEY WERE, SHOULD BE FULFILLED." (Rev.6:9-11)

This hasn't taken on global proportions, yet... but it's quickly building as the ongoing politically guided global religious wars threaten the world's economy and to insinuate themselves into societies of the fearful terrified nations.

So, we have been living the four horsemen of Revelation every day of our lives without knowing it. And the world is galloping headlong into the fast-approaching "fifth seal" [Great Tribulation]... which shall be cut short by the "sixth seal" [the "heavenly signs" resulting in a darkened earth, which will curtail man's activities so that life on earth might be preserved - Matt.24:22]... followed by the "seventh" and last seal [the Day of the Lord], which is the time of Jesus Christ's return to earth with God's Kingdom.

Revelation has been taking place... is taking place now... and is picking up speed toward its conclusion.

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