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The Sabbath begins Friday at Sundown, and ends on Saturday at Sundown. This is true for all practicing Jews, not just Orthodox Jews.

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From Friday night to Saturday night.

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Q: When does Orthodox Jewish Sabbath begin?
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What did jesus do on sabbath day?

He violated Orthodox Jewish Law by working.

When does the Jewish Sabbath begin?

Every Friday afternoon at sundown.

Can Jewish people watch telly on the sabbath?

It's possible Orthodox Jews might leave it on during the Sabbath, but the other branches can watch television anytime they want.

Is Sabbath a Jewish word?

Yes and no. The Jewish word for Sabbath is "Shabbat." Christians just say Sabbath.

Do Orthodox Jews do personal grooming on the Sabbath?

No, they do personal grooming BEFORE the Sabbath.

What is the Jewish sabatt?

Saturday is the Sabbath and the Jewish day of rest, no work is allowed to be done on the Sabbath.

How do use sabbath in a sentence?

I live near Orthodox Jews and they're strict Sabbath observers.

Who are the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations?

It's a Jewish organization that supports Modern Orthodox Jewish life.

Is sabbath a name for Christ?

No. The sabbath is the Jewish day of rest.

Can Jewish people use telephone on Saturdays?

Firstly, in this question there is a misunderstanding of the 'day' of the Jewish Sabbath. Saturday is commonly believed among non-Jews to be the Sabbath. This is incorrect. The Jewish days begin at sundown. The Jewish Sabbath begins at the start of the seventh day of the week. Therefore, the Jewish Sabbath begins Friday at sundown and continues until one hour after sundown on Saturday. If one lives in a city where the sun sets at 3 p.m. on Friday, then the Sabbath begins at 3 p.m. on Friday and continues until 4 p.m. Saturday. If the sun sets at noon on Friday...; etc. Now, to answer the question. Jewish people cannot use a phone (to receive a call or to make a call) on the Sabbath. Once the Sabbath has passed, yes, a Jew can use the phone.

Is the Serbian Orthodox Church Jewish?

No, it is part of The Orthodox Church (Christianity), and it is not Jewish. In fact, there is no such thing as a Jewish church.

Can Jews work on a Saturday?

Saturday is the Sabbath in Judaism. Orthodox (and some non-orthodox) Jews will not work. Many non-Orthodox Jews will work, but still remember the Sabbath day in their own ways. (And yes, there are some Orthodox Jews that work on Saturdays, but they do not advertise this fact).