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We don't offer the sacrifice of Jesus. The sacrifice of Jesus as the lamb of God, the propitiation for sin, was offered once and once only. Jesus cannot be crucified again and again.

As a christian a person can offer themselves, their life, as a living sacrifice.

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

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Adah Johnson

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 1y ago

The sacrifice that Jesus offered on the cross is a one-time event that occurred in the past. It is not something that is repeated or offered again. Christians believe that Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient to atone for the sins of humanity for all time.

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Q: When do we offer the sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross?
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When do you offer the sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross?

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When do you offer the same sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross?

At the Holy Mass. Jesus estabilished it on Thursday evening (the last supper). He sacrificed himself twice - first celebrated first Holy Mass during the last supper, saying "this is my body which will be gave out for you" upon the bread and saying "this is my blood which will be poured for you and for many, for redemption of sins." upon the wine. He gave out his body and poured his blood on the next day, on the Cross. Priest repeats these words upon bread and wine in each Mass, to repeat the sacrifice of Jesus. He offered himself to Father God, by changing bread and wine in his body and blood we offer himslef to Father God again, praying in our needs, thanks etc. I'm not sure if i understood exactly the question, but YOU can offer this sacrafice being the priest. Protestants have other view on the holy mass and priesthood, so not to be one-sided, maybe some protestant could write another answer?

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Why do priests use altars?

.Catholic AnswerAn altar is like a table on which a sacrifice is offered to a god. That has been the definition since time out of mind. In the Old Testament, when they wanted to offer a sacrifice to God, the first thing that they did was built an altar. The Mass (or Eucharist) is the Sacrifice of the New Covenant. It is the sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord of Himself upon the Cross for our salvation. The sacrifice that a priest of the Catholic Church offers is the exact same sacrifice, it is not done again, but it is re - presented. Only once in all of history was this sacrifice offered in a bloody manner on a Cross. When it is re - presented, it is presented in an unbloody manner on an altar.

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