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Orthodox Jews go to shul (synagogue) three times a day. Once for Shacharit (morning services), once for Mincha (afternoon prayer), and once for Maariv (evening prayer). On Shabbos, Festivals, and the beginning of each new month, a fourth prayer is added: Mussaf. On Yom Kippur, there are five prayers. The last once on Yom Kippur is called Ne'ila.

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10y ago
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9y ago

Jews pray in synagogues. Synagogue services are held three times a day, every day of the year.Morning services may begin anytime between dawn and around 8 a.m., depending on the needs of the congregation. Some synagogues have more than one morning service for people with different schedule-needs.
Sabbath morning service will commonly begin at 7:30 a.m. or later.
Afternoon services and the evening service are often consecutive, beginning around 15-30 minutes before sunset. But some groups hold an early afternoon service, with around 1:00 p.m. being common.

See also:

Prayer and the synagogue

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8y ago

Mosques are Islamic Houses of Worship; Jews go to synagogues. Religious Jews go to synagogue to pray three times a day daily and Saturday morning is the longest, most important weekly prayer. Less religious Jews are less likely to go to synagogue.

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8y ago

They do not. Mosques are used by Muslims as their place of worship, not by Jews. Jews pray in synagogues. See also:

More about Jewish prayer and synagogues

When are Jewish prayer-services held?

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13y ago

As churches are Christian places of worship, Jews do not go to them.

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11y ago

Orthodox Jews go three times daily. Others go once a week (Sabbath); or, as a minimum, on the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

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9y ago

They simply do not. They go to church. Muslims go to mosques.

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if you are referring to where they go to practice their religion that is called a Temple, just like Christians go to church and muslims go to mosques

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Churches are for christians and mosques are for muslims. It is similar to a church and we also worship there but its called a mosque. There are services at the mosque five times a day every day, but most Muslims only go for Friday afternoon services.

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yes, muslims go inside mosques to fullfill one of the pillars of islam

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They do not. They go to mosques to worship. A mosque is a place of collective worship for Islamic people, in a way similar to a church for Christians, a synagogue for Jewish people, a gurudwara for Sikhs, a temple for Hindus or Buddhists, and so on.

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there are alot of people who go to mosques in the city.(maybe)yes brof

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Many Christians don't fully understand that Places of Worship have different names: 1. Churches are churches 2. Synagogues are synagogues 3. Mosques are mosques

Is it true Muslims go to mosques?

yes, it is true. Muslims go to mosques for gathering praying in paricular for Friday (Al-Jomoaa) noon praying in which they listen also to a sermon.