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The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit occurred in Acts 2V1- Day of Pentecost. In Acts 2, I am sure you know the story - where the disciples were all in one place with one accord and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house where they were sitting. It was at this point that that cloven tongues of fire came upon them like fire and it sat upon them.........and so on. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. This is when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened.

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Q: When did the outpouring of the Holy Spirit happen?
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Which prophet predicted the outpouring and ministry of the Holy Spirit upon the earth?

Joel prophesied the work of the Holy Spirit as it occurred in the Book of Acts.

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Where in the the Bible do we see the ''outpouring of the Holy Spirit''?

Acts 2:1-4 and 10:44-47.

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Usually during the spring, around the Feast of Pentecost.

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In Acts chapter 2, Peter quotes from the prophet Joelregarding the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. See Acts 2:16-21; compare to Joel 2:28-32.

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The church of God first experience the outpouring of the Holy Ghost was happened during the Pentecost.

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How is confirmation related to holiness?

They related to holiness because the effect of Confirmation is a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit like that of Pentecost. This outpouring impresses on the soul an indelible character and produces a growth in the grace of Baptism. It roots the recipient more deeply in divine sonship, binds him more firmly to Christ and to the Church and reinvigorates the gifts of the Holy Spirit in his soul. It gives a special strength to witness to the Christian faith.

What is the meaning of each way the holy spirit appeared to people?

the holy spirit comes to people through confirmationHoly Spirit has nothing to do with "Confirmation".The Holy spirit is the third Person of Godhead.In Old-Testament times Holy spirit was working in life of specific person at a specific time for a definite purpose. Even the dictation of Word of God by inspiration was done by the Holy Spirit. Then after the day of Pentecost the Promise of outpouring was fulfilled. Acts 2:1-4.The work of conviction in the life of an unsaved person is done by the Holy Spirit. (John16:8-9).So for today the baptism (Immersion ) in Holy spirit is a separate experience in life of a convicted- transformed person.

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The matter of the Sacrament of Holy Orders is the laying on of hands by the bishop, while the form is the prayer of consecration asking for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the ordained minister. Together, the matter and form confer the grace of the sacrament, enabling the ordained person to carry out his ministry within the Church.

Why do you feel things before they happen as a christian?

It is the unctioning of the Holy Spirit emparting revelation to you.