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Israelites built a kindom in canaan in the year of 1000 B.C............hope that helps you!!

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Q: When did the israelites built a kingdom?
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Where was the israelites built kingdom?


Where did the Israelites build a kingdom?

The Israelites built a kingdom in the land of Canaan. This is the area we now know as Israel, Lebanon, the western portion of Jordan, the southwestern section of Syria, and the Palestinian territories.

What are the release dates for Kingdom of David The Saga of the Israelites - 2003 TV?

Kingdom of David The Saga of the Israelites - 2003 TV was released on: USA: 2003

What is another word for the Israelites?

The Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were Hebrews. Jacob took or was given the name Israel, and his descendants were known as the Children of Israel or Israelites (they were still Hebrews, of course). One of the tribes of the Israelites, descended from Judah, was known as the Judaites. The Judaite kingdom was the last surviving Israelite kingdom, and the survivors of the destruction of that kingdom came to be known as Jews, who still call themselves Israelites and Children of Israel, and who are still Hebrews.

How did David and Solomon strengthen the kingdom of Israel?

They increased the respect for the Israelites and expanded their kingdom. David and Solomon strengthen the kingdom of Israel by gaining respect from all the people and expands there kingdom.

Did some of the Israelites not come back after the North and South split?

Yes. The Israelites of the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom were all exiled, but at different times and to different places. The Northern Exiles are identical with the Ten Lost Tribes. See also:Where are the Lost Israelites?The diaspora

What is another name for the Israelites?

Abraham, his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob were Hebrews. Jacob took or was given the name Israel. His descendants called themselves the Children of Israel, or Israelites. They were still Hebrews. The Judaites were one of the Israelite tribes. Later, the kingdom of Judah was the last surviving Israelite kingdom, and the survivors of that kingdom, all of them Israelites and Hebrews, came to be known as Jews.

What kingdom was the Great Pyramid built in?

the Old Kingdom

Which Egyptian kingdom were the pyramids built?

Old Kingdom.

What kingdom was abu simbel built in?

the new kingdom

Who built the Temple after the Israelites inhabited the Promised Land?

king Solomon.

Who among the following Israelites King was promised an everlasting Kingdom?

King David