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The Catholic Church has never had female priests nor bishops, and will never have them.

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Q: When did the Catholic Church start having female priests and bishops?
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What is a female bishop called?

There are no female bishops in the Catholic Church so there is no term to describe them.

What do you call the female priest or friar?

In the catholic Church there are no female priests or friars.

Are there currently any female priests in the Catholic Religion?

If you mean priests, no. There are no female Catholic priests

Can episcopalian priests be female?

In the Episcopal Church, both men and women are ordained to the priesthood. They can also be Bishops. Women could become priests in the Episcopal Church beginning in 1976.

Women Priests in the Catholic Church?

No there are no female priests in the Roman Catholic Church. A priest represents Jesus on the Alter and a woman cannot do that. Religious women can become nuns but not priests.

Who was the first woman priest ever?

The catholic church has never permitted Female Priests.

Can a priest be a girl?

No, that will never happen. Pope John Paul II stated clearly that females would never be allowed in the priesthood. The two requirements to be pope are - must be a male Catholic.

Is there a Liberal Catholic Church denomination which limits its priests and deacons to heterosexual men?

No, there are several churches that tack on the title 'Catholic' to their names but who are not in union with Rome and not true Catholic Churches. Examples: The Old Catholic Church, the American Catholic Church, the American Charismatic Catholic Church, etc. Some allow married clergy and female priests. Your question is not very clear. The Roman Catholic Church limits its clergy to men only but could not be classified as 'liberal' in the way that some of the non-Catholic 'Catholic' denominations listed above cold be.

Do presbitariuns have nuns?

No, There are female religious only in the Anglican or as we call it the Episcopal communion. There are female ministers or Priests and even some Bishops in this denomination now.

Do Mormons allow female priests?

No, female priests do not exist within the Mormon church, although they can hold several other leadership positions.

In the Roman Catholic Church have there been any ordinations of a female deacon in eastern Canada or was this the Eastern Church?

A female has never been ordained to "major orders" deacon/priest in the Roman Catholic Church, the Uniate Churches (Eastern Catholic) or Orthodox Church

What is a female abbott?

An Abbott is a Catholic priest in a Catholic Church it's also a last name.