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Q: When did scholars know about the Dead Sea scrolls?
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Related questions

Who studies the dead sea scrolls?

Mostly biblical and historical scholars.

Is the dead sea scrolls still used today?

They are still being studied by scholars.

Who wrote the five scrolls?

If you are talking about the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is no answer that we know of.

Is Nehemiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Esther is the only book of the Hebrew Bible not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Because Ezra and Nehemiah used to be on one scrool and parts of Ezra were found, scholars assumed this indicated that Nehemiah was in the Dead Sea Scrolls, too. Recently, a fragment of Nehemiah has been identified as coming from among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

What has the author Devorah Dimant written?

Devorah Dimant has written: 'The Dead Sea scrolls in scholarly perspective' -- subject(s): Historiography, Dead Sea scrolls, Biblical scholars, Bibliography, Biography

To which civilization do the Dead Sea Scrolls belong?

The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in a group of caves overlooking the Dead Sea, near Qumran in the former Roman province of Judea. They were mostly written in Hebrew and Aramaic. They belonged to the Jews. It is not settled, but most scholars believe that the group who hid the scrolls were Essenes, a sect of Judaism.

Where were the dead sea scrolls?

the dead sea scrolls were found in the mountain side caves of the dead sea

What has the author Peter W Flint written?

Peter W. Flint has written: 'The Dead Sea Scrolls' 'Celebrating the Dead Sea Scrolls' -- subject(s): Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran community 'The Dead Sea Psalms scrolls and the Book of Psalms' -- subject(s): Bible, Criticism, Textual, Dead Sea Psalms scrolls, Dead Sea scrolls, Textual Criticism, Versions

What has the author John Marco Allegro written?

John Marco Allegro has written: 'The people of the Dead Sea scrolls' -- subject(s): Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran community 'The Dead Sea scrolls' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Dead Sea scrolls 'Search in the desert' -- subject(s): Antiquities 'The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian myth' -- subject(s): Christianity, Criticism, interpretation, Dead Sea scrolls, Essenes, Gnosticism, Origin, Relation to the New Testament 'The Dead Sea scrolls and the origins of Christianity' -- subject(s): Dead Sea scrolls 'All manner of men' -- subject(s): Race, Physical anthropology 'Mystery of the Dead Sea scrolls revealed' -- subject(s): Dead Sea scrolls

What were in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 11 cave chambers along the Dead Sea in large jars.

When was The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception created?

The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception was created in 1991.

What was found in caves by the dead sea?

the dead sea scrolls!!