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Jesus first offered himself to his father upon incarnation. The only purpose of Jesus being born was to live in obedience to his father and become the perfect sacrifice.

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Q: When did jesus first offer himself to his father?
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When did Jesus first offer himself to the father?

That was when Jesus presented himself for baptism in 29 C.E. From that point on in his life, Jesus fulfilled the words of Psalm 40:6-8.

What words did Jesus offer himself to the father?

With these words from Luke 23 - "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" Luke 23.46. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

When did Jesus offer himself to the Father?

Jesus offered himself to the Father on the cross, when he willingly laid down his life as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. This selfless act took place during his crucifixion, which is considered the ultimate demonstration of love and obedience to God.

How was jeseus born?

why was jesus killJesus came to earth for one specific reason, "To offer Himself as a living sacrifice for mankind sins, and to prove beyond any doubts that God The Father is merciful, and forgiving."

Did Jesus give us so we could offer ourselfs with offer or so with him to the father?

Try asking your question again I cannot understand it

What did Jesus offer himself as to the Jews?

I take it that you mean why did Jesus choose the Jews. The answer is that if He had chosen any other nation they would have all been coverted to his teachings. Jesus knew that the Jewish nation would be the only one to crucify Him.

What is the name of the angel that best friends go to for spiritual advice?

There are no angels that we can pray to for spiritual advice. All prayers are directed to the Father (God) through his son Jesus Christ i.e "Father or Father who art in heaven" then you offer up your prayer to him, and close your prayer "In the name of Jesus Christ, amen

When do you offer the same sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross?

At the Holy Mass. Jesus estabilished it on Thursday evening (the last supper). He sacrificed himself twice - first celebrated first Holy Mass during the last supper, saying "this is my body which will be gave out for you" upon the bread and saying "this is my blood which will be poured for you and for many, for redemption of sins." upon the wine. He gave out his body and poured his blood on the next day, on the Cross. Priest repeats these words upon bread and wine in each Mass, to repeat the sacrifice of Jesus. He offered himself to Father God, by changing bread and wine in his body and blood we offer himslef to Father God again, praying in our needs, thanks etc. I'm not sure if i understood exactly the question, but YOU can offer this sacrafice being the priest. Protestants have other view on the holy mass and priesthood, so not to be one-sided, maybe some protestant could write another answer?

What does Jesus offer at every mass?

Assuming you're talking about the Catholic or other Christian mass, He offers himself through the the body his blood, in a rite performed by the Priest.

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What is jesus' basic philosophy?

Jesus believes Himself to be the eternal Son of God ("Before Abraham was I Am") who was sent into the world to bear witness to the truth of God and offer himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. He knew that in this self-offering, He would atone for the sins of the world, reconcile humanity to God the Father, and give eternal life to all who believe in Him. He also promised that those who believe in Him will receive the Holy Spirit and will experience a new and transformed life with God already in this world. His own resurrection from the dead demonstrates the veracity of his claims.