Look in The Bible in the book of Mark Chapter 5 verses 0ne thru 13. This tells in some detail about the demons (unclean spirits knowing who Jesus was. Here, Jesus was an adult involved in his ministry.
When, you ask. I would think to say since His birth, but two things to consider. The Devil moved Herod to kill all the infants, trying to kill the messiah as a child, which prompted the angel to tell Mary and Joseph to flee to Egypt so then, His identity was not known as a child (Matthew 2:2-18). You will notice that the first 30 years of Christ's life are completely glossed over in the gospels, and scarcely mentioned except for one instant, where Christ was around 12 or so and debated with the scribes in the temple, and they marveled at His insight into the Scriptures (Luke 2:42-49).
So, Likely, the identity was kept hid from the Devil and his demons, as it was from the rest of the world, until Jesus was 30 years of age and begun His public ministry. Jesus knew who he was growing up, as evidenced by the story in Luke about his debate in the temple as a youth, and this likely is the reason why God saw fit to include only this one peek into the life of Christ as a child, to establish that He knew He was the son of God, even as a child.
It was kept hid from the Devil and his demons for a very simple reason. The Devil sought to destroy Christ, to kill him, and so he was Divinely protected until His public revealing at the baptism by John the Baptist. (See Revelations 12:1-5- The woman is the nation of Israel (not Mary or the Church- notice the 12 stars (12 tribes of Israel)), anyway, the man child is two things, it is Christ at His first coming, and future it is the 144,000 sealed witness's of the 12 tribes of Israel during the 7 year tribulation. But notice how the Dragon (Satan), is before the woman (Israel) hoping to devour the child as soon as its born. So you see, the child (Jesus), was hid until His time to begun His ministry had come, to protect him from the Devil's desire to kill him as soon as possible, before He can even make Himself known to the world, who He is. That's a great question by the way, its an unsual question by comparison, insightful to even ask it.
nothing. If demons are tormenting you, accept Christ into your heart if you haven't already, and rebuke them by the blood of christ - i actually say that they are afraid of Christ Himself, so if you really believe that Christ and allow Christ to protect you, no evil will touch more than you can bear. It says in James 2:19 that demons are scared of God and they tremble that God is one
It means your under a spiritual attack. Do you know Jesus Christ? If not, ask Him to enter to your heart and life. Start reading the Word of God to strengthen your mind and rebuke the demons in the name of Jesus Christ when they appear. I would also prayed for holy angels to surround you in the Name of Jesus Christ before you sleep.
No demons are fallen angels
he's christian i think he doesn't worship demons or watever
Yes they are real follow this link to know about demons youtu.be/KiQCgEkAaQ8?si=sJkhIhSx2fjbnuYL
The most common reason for this is that Jesus Christ died at 3 pm. Demons are knows for there hatred of Christ and all that he stands for, so 3 am being the opposite time is when they are supposedly most active. I have heard that this is only true for demons, not spirits.
Yes, she rejects Christ and accepts the demons of new age occultism.
It is still undetermined. Most members have died, but Akatsuki still has enough members to capture all the demons. They have at least capture 5 demons. but what are the demons. I know Gaara is one
You'll know when you see satins demons.
You'll know when you see satins demons.
Probably not. I think there may be some corrolation with the way The Bible says Christ will come again and UFOs maybe. But I think demons are exactly like the Bible tells us they are. I know they are something that should be avoided at all costs. UFOs may be just other beings like us, curious with the technology to explore space.