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There has never been a pope named Alexis.

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Q: When did Pope Alexis become head of the Latin Church?
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What chronological order of succession did Pope Benedict XVI become pope of the Catholic Church?

Benedict XVI was the 265th pope of the Catholic Church.

Is Pope Francis in charge of the Roman Church?

If by Roman Church you are referring to the Latin rite of the Catholic Church, the answer is yes, and so much more. There are a number of other Catholic rites in union with the pope, also. Technically, the pope is the head of the entire Christian Church but is only recognized by the Catholics.

Why is a pope named pope?

Pope means father... I am sure It means papa/ father in Latin...and Pappas or similar in Greek. They call him that because he is the leader/ "father" of the church.

What does habeum papam mean?

It is latin for we have a pope!======================================================The real Latin phrase is "habemus papam" and it is used to announce that a new pope has been selected. Any of the contenders who wants to become pope is automatically disqualified.

Did the latin churches become known as the roman catholic church?

Catholic masses were all spoken in latin once upon a time. They aren't this way now, though latin is still spoken in the Vatican. They aren't latin churches and never were; they spoke latin.

Do you have to have money to become a Pope?

No, you do not have to be wealthy to be the pope. Once elected as pope, you receive no salary but all your living expenses are paid for by the Catholic Church.

Who authorized the organization of many of the Latin hyms and and chants of the catholic church?

Pope St. Gregory I, the Great.

How is stpeters church different from your Catholic church?

well first they have a pope and cardinals and when the pope dies they can only choose from four of the cardinals to become the next pope. also they consider themselves a nevadican church which is still catholic just slightly different.

What is the Pope's official church?

Each bishop has a cathedral, his "chair" - cathedra is Latin for chair. That is why the word See is used - from the Latin for sitting. The Pope, as bishop of Rome, has a cathedral. It is St John Lateran Cathedral in Rome.

Who chose Pope Benedict XV to become pope?

The cardinals of the Church chose Benedict in a conclave held in the Sistine Chapel.

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Saint Leo the Great was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Benedict XIV in 1754.

Did Luther plot to overthrow the Catholic Church and become Pope?

Luther had no intention of overthrowing the Catholic Church and become pope. He wanted to see reforms made in the Church. In some areas, he was correct as there were abuses that needed correction. However, some of his ideas were considered to be heretical.