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Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that Jesus Christ restored the doctrine and authority of His church through Joseph Smith in a series of revelations, visitations, and visions between 1820 and 1844. The church was officially founded and held its first meeting on April 6, 1830.

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13y ago

On April 6 1830 the "Mormon" church as it is nicknamed, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints was founded. Technically it was not started by Joseph Smith. The church's followers consider Joseph Smith a latter day prophet instructed to restore the church of Jesus Christ on the earth. The church is organized similarly to the ancient church of Jesus Christ with a Prophet and twelve apostles at it's head (really the head of the church is Jesus Christ whom acts here on earth through his called prophets). It is believed that the priesthood, or authority from Jesus Christ, was lost from the earth after the death of the original apostles. When Joseph Smith restored the church under the direction of Jesus Christ his authority, or Priesthood, was restored to the earth and has been passed on and remains at this time. For more information on the "mormon" church visit

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13y ago

1830, April 6: Was when 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' was organized as a Church according to the laws of the state of New York.

Joseph Smith never founded a Mormon sect.

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9y ago

Joseph Smith, Jr. did not found Mormonism. The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. is credited with starting "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints". The year that the LDS Church was offically organized was in 1832. (LDS Church Chronology 1805-1914, by Andrew Jenson, page 4.)

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14y ago

The first official meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) was held on April 6, 1830 in upstate New York. Church members, however, would not say that this is when the Church was founded, only 'restored' or 'organized'. They believe that the Church was founded before the earth began by God himself, and is the same religion practiced in the Old and New Testaments.

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13y ago

Never. Joseph Smith was killed two years before the first Mormons arrived in Utah.

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Who founded the Mormon religion?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the 'Mormon' Church) believe that Jesus Christ is the founder of their religion. They believe that their religion is the restoration of the original New Testament Christianity. This true Christianity was restored to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. by Jesus Christ himself. You can learn more about this restoration at the "Related Links" below.

What religion did Joseph Smith start?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly called the "Mormon" church.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church). Check out the "Related Links" to learn more about how he founded the church.

How did the Mormon trail start?

it started by john smith

Who founded mormanism?

The simple answer is Joseph Smith, Jr. His story can be found at the chruch's official website ( at the following location.

Name the religious group started by Brigham Young and who made their home in Utah?

Brigham Young did not start any religions. He was the second leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) which was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. He led the Mormons from Illinois to Utah after Joseph Smith was murdered.

When did the Mormon religion first start?

The first official worship service of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) was held on April 6, 1830 with about 30 people present.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) was officially organized on April 6, 1830. This first official meeting was held after a decade of visitations, visions, and revelations to Joseph Smith, who was only 24 years old when the Church was organized.More information about the "Mormon" church at it's beginnings can be found at the "Related Links" below.

Was the Mormon Joseph Smith just really smart and put ideas together from the bible and people bought it?

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints revere Joseph Smith as a prophet. They believe he saw God as a 14-year-old boy in upstate New York and he instructed him to start a true church. When you say "put ideas together" from the Bible you are most likely referring to Joseph Smith's translation of the Book of Mormon, an ancient record of the people of the Americas. Mormons study this book as a supplement to the Bible. Mormons believe God directed Joseph to golden tablets, inscribed with reformed Egyptian, and then, through revelation and the power of God, he translated them into English. Some people are skeptical of Joseph Smith and believe he made up the stories contained in the Book of Mormon. Mormons believe every word to be true. After all, how could an uneducated boy make up such elaborate stories without the power of God? There are many biographies of Joseph Smith in print. I would suggest reading a few to get an idea for his life. Then you can truly answer this question.

What was the effect of Joseph Smith's murder?

Joseph Smith's murder or martyr took place on June 27, 1844 when a mob of about 100 to 200 men with faces painted black stormed Carthage Jail. The religious intent of Joseph Smith's murder was suppose to bring an end to the LDS/Mormon faith. After Joseph Smith's death many men stepped forward and claimed that they were Joseph Smith's successor. Some believed that Joseph Smith the III, Joseph's son should take the place as leader of the church, essentially this was the start of the RLDS church. Sidney Rigdon, also claimed leadership of the church as he had been in the leadership of the church with Joseph Smith in the early beginnings of the church. However, Sidney Rigdon's association with the church had been marred and at one time he had been almost excommunicated from the church. Rigdon believed that with Joseph Smith's death that no one could take Joseph's place and that there could only be a caretaker of the church. He pronounced that he should be that caretaker. The only other person who stood against this statement was Brigham Young, president of the twelve apostles, who claimed that Rigdon had not been there in many teaching and learning opportunities with the Prophet Joseph Smith. Priot to his death, Joseph Smith spent time teaching and giving instruction to the Twelve Apostles. Brigham Young claimed essentially that this was why Sidney Rigdon's position was faulty. In addition, many of the saints in Nauvoo believed they saw and heard the "mantle" of Joseph Smith fall upon Brigham Young. This was to confirm to many of the LDS Saints that Brigham Young was indeed the next prophet to lead the faith. Other Mormon sects as well sprung up from Joseph Smith's death such as: RLDS, Rigdonites, Strangites, etc.

What church did brigham young lead?

this church became the church of latter day Saints which was the start of the Mormon religion

Is the best way to start your own religion by asking and answering your own questions then write them down like scripture just like the Mormon Joseph Smith did?

Well, the difference is that Joseph Smith asked questions and then received his answers from God. He never denied it, and neither did those who witnessed some of his visions and revelations with him. The Protestant Christian religions were started in the way you describe. Someone had a question or problem with the practice of one church, and so changed it to the way they thought it should be and made their own church. Most of the Christian Reformers never mention receiving revlations or visions from God. Which way is the best to begin a religion is up to you to decide, but the fact of the matter is that a religion not based on lies probably won't last very long.

Where did the mormen church start?

Smith's book of mormon was printed in 1830 and the first church was formed with 6 members in Fayette, New York.

Where did the Mormons first start?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) began in upstate New York, in the area around Palmyra and Fayette. It was here that Church members believe Joseph Smith was visted by God the Father and Jesus Christ, where an angel taught him and lead him to find a buried ancient record, and where he translated and published that record into the Book of Mormon. Following the publishing of the Book of Mormon, the first church meetings were held in Fayette.