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Q: When did Jesus start preaching to the Gospels of God?
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Do gospels believe in God?

The four Gospels are full of God's word and is Jesus speaking and His acts, the Son of God

How did the gospels come to be written?

The Gospels came to be written by man....through God....the gospels are the life of Jesus Christ from birth to his years of ministering to God to his gruesome death....

How did God speak in the Gospels?

In the Gospels, God is portrayed as speaking through Jesus, who taught and performed miracles to demonstrate God's power and love. Jesus used parables and direct statements to convey God's message of love, forgiveness, and salvation to the people.

What is the minstry of Jesus?

The ministry of Jesus refers to his public teaching, healing, and miracles that he performed during his time on Earth, as recorded in the Gospels of the Bible. Jesus's ministry focused on preaching the Kingdom of God, repentance, love, and forgiveness, as well as demonstrating God's power through his actions.

Which mysteries of the rosary contain Jesus preaching about the kingdom of god?

The mysteries of the rosary that contain Jesus preaching about the kingdom of God are the Luminous Mysteries. Specifically, the first Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, and the second Luminous Mystery, the Wedding Feast at Cana, focus on Jesus' ministry and teachings about the kingdom of God.

What did Jesus learn in Nathareth?

Nazareth** Jesus learned about God, his father. Jesus began to teach the elders of the church by preaching to them.

How did the gospel come to the written?

The Gospels came to be written by man....through God....the gospels are the life of Jesus Christ from birth to his years of ministering to God to his gruesome death....

How did jesus preached the kingdom of GOD?

By using other people like pastors and priests that preaching the word of God

What are Catholic values in air quality?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church was formed from the Side of Jesus Christ hanging on the cross to be His Mystical Body on earth, and His Bride. As such It's purpose is to bring God to the people, and through Her Sacraments and preaching, to bring people to God. Personally, I do not remember Jesus Christ, nor His Apostles, addressing air quality in the Gospels or other Scriptures. I should think that any Catholic who is respectful of God's creation would care about not polluting, but I do not think this was one of the things that Jesus covered in three years of preaching.

Is Jesus offensive to the Jewish people?

No. Jesus wasn't offensive to the Jewish people but preaching the word by he claimed to be the "Son of God".

When does Mark show Jesus as God?

AnswerMark's Gospel does not really show Jesus as God, but in verse 1:11 it does have God call Jesus his beloved son. Among the gospels, only John really describes Jesus as wholly divine.

Are the four gospels about gods people before Jesus time on earth?

No. The four Gospels ('Gospel' means good news) are accounts by four of Jesus' contemporaries (and maybe one near-contemporary) about what Jesus said, what He did, where He went, to whom He spoke, etc. The Gospels contain references to God's people before Jesus' time (mostly made by Jesus Himself), but they are included only incidentally to the main thrust of the Scripture. The Gospels' principal focus is on Jesus.