Christianity is named after Jesus Christ. The best estimates say he flourished about 2000 years ago. Certainly not before then and it slowly developed to what we recognize today.
Christianity started about 2000 years ago and still flourishes today. There are many churches in areas around the world. Many are in countries that do not allow Christianity so people are being murdered every day for even praying to or speaking about Christ.
There are ways that you can give to missionaries everywhere. You can give money during offering at church because part of the total percentage goes to help missionaries overseas.
You can say that it started with Jesus.
Constantine was the first Christian emperor in 306AD and he made it the state religion.
In the heart.
im christian
It is not pluralistic.
christanity and budihsm
christanity and budihsm
By His very name "Christ" the era of Christanity began when He first began to preach. Though the term Christianity was artificially contrived by man.
Jesus around 30 A.D
jewish and christanity