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St. Benedict and his twin sister, Scholastica, started the first Benedictine Order in the late sixth century. They are the first "nuns" that I know of for sure. I'm certain that there were religious women living in community before then, but I've never really read anything about them. However, I do know that St. Scholastica's monastery of women wore a similar habit that many of them still wear today. Below is a picture of the nuns today at St. Emma's monastery in Pennsylvania. These nuns used to run the food service at my monastery of St. Vincent Archabbey for many years. Their habit consists of a robe, a scapular, a wimple, cowl, and veil.

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Q: When did Catholic nuns first wear habits?
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What nuns in Mexico wear blue and gray habits?

Conceptionists, or nuns blonging to the Order of the Immaculate Conception. They are Roman Catholic.

What do nuns have to wear?

They are supposed to wear habits, but many choose not to.

What does a Carmelite nuns wear?

Traditionally, and many contemporary convents of Carmelites wear a brown habit with a white wimple and black veil. They wear a cape over the entire thing when they are in choir, although there are some "modern" nuns who have modified their habits, or done away with them altogether. For the most part, the nuns with no habits are dying out, and the only orders that are surviving and growing are wearing habits.

Can nuns wear regular clothes?

Yes, nuns can wear regular clothes when they are not in their religious habits. Some orders allow nuns to choose their own attire, while others may have specific guidelines for casual dress.

Which nuns were white?

Roman Catholic AnswersMany nuns wear white: Cisterians and Carthusians among others. Also, most nuns, regardless of the color of their habit will wear a white veil before they are professed. There are also many sisters who wear white, such as Dominicans, but they are not nuns.

Which finger do nuns wear their wedding rings?

Catholic Answer:Some orders of sisters or nuns do wear a wedding band showing that they are married to Christ. Depending on the local culture, they wear it on either the left or right ring finger.

Why nuns wear gray?

They don"t all. the habits of the Sisters of Charity are Navy Blue- as are those of the sisters of the IHM- Immaculate Heart of Mary. Dominicans wear White habits which may have black veils. Not all Nuns wear Black habits.

Why don't nuns wear bras?

Catholic AnswerIf a nun is wearing a traditional habit, these habits are centuries old, they were designed long before "bras" were invented. Bras are an invention from the twentieth century, no one wore them before then as they didn't exist.

How do nuns stay warm for winter?

I would imagine they might wear more clothes or turn the heater up. They can also wear coats over their habits as well as other clothing under their habits. They usually have no trouble staying warm in the winter.

What are the habits of a vampire?

Vampires don't wear habits. Nuns wear habits.

What do women buddhist wear?

First off Buddhists include both lay people and Monks and Nuns. It is very similar to the Catholic Church in that manner. Buddhists Monks and Nuns dedicated their life to attaining enlightenment and service to others whereas lay people have jobs and families while practicing Buddhism. Therefore, when it comes to lay Buddhists, we were whatever we want as appropriate to the situation (work versus play, etc). Monks and Nuns typically wear robes.

What do nuns wear?

Catholic AnswerNuns wear many different kinds of robes depending on their order. Classically, they wear a robe which may be black, white, brown, grey, or even other colors. Some wear a scapular over this, a long shoulder wide cloth that hangs to the ground in the front and back, sort of an apron. Most classic nuns habits have a white helmet like affair that ties around their head. Some nuns wear a wimple, which is a white bib like affair that goes under their chin, some nuns wear a veil over the headdress which may or may not have an underveil. Other nuns wear a coronet. ("The Flying Nun) kind of headdress). Underneath, nuns used to wear medieval type underwear, heavy woven stockings, many petticoats - and yes, underwear.Many post-Vatican II nuns in nations like the United States modified their habits (the official name for the outfits) until they ended up, with, in many cases, only a modified cross, an uncovered head, and polyester pantsuit. The Vatican has asked that all nuns wear a distinctive habit, and many orders have gone back to their original habit, or a modified version of the same. The picture of the "modern nun" in dress or pants with no head covering is going the way of the dinosaur, and will be gone in under a generation. Most nuns wear a wedding ring. At their solemn profession they often dress in a white dress as they are getting married to Our Blessed Lord.More input from Answers contributors:The religious costume is usually referred to as a Habit, such as Dominican Habit, Franciscan Habit (also used by male Franciscans- it is usually brown). and so on. There are many different varieties of Veils, wimples, quimpes or guimopes ( sort of like a breastplate) and arrangements of crosses, etc.