Barbara Laage was born on July 30, 1920, in Menthon-Saint-Bernard, Haute Savoie, France.
Barbara Ann Teer was born on June 18, 1937, in East Saint Louis, Illinois, USA.
She is thought to have been born in Nicomedia in what is today modern Turkey. However, since 1969 she has been removed from the Calendar of Saints and her cult suppressed as there are questions about her very existence.
saint barbara
Saint Barbara
saint barbara
Saint (or holy) Barbara.
The patron saints of mathematicians are Saint Barbara and Saint Hubert of Liege.
The image of Saint Barbara used to represent Santeria as sexuality, fire, thunder and lighting.
St. Barbara of Nicomedia is the patroness of the mission.
Her name is Barbara! Last names were not used at the time.