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Muhammad (Saw) first received the revelation of the Quran from Jibreal (Gabriel) in a the cave of Hira in Mecca. Shortly after, he began to spread the wisdom that Allah (God) gave him and sent down in the Quran.

Islam has been around since the time of Hazrat Adam [as] to the time of now and will continue till the day of judgment.

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15y ago

came form GOD After the Prophet Muhammad (S)'s death many desert nomads and others claimed to be prophets, during this time Abu Bakr (R) went to war with these people to prove them as false. After Abu Bakr (R), Umr (R) took over Persia, and other parts of Asia Minor, after many years Tariq bin Ziyad (R) took over Spain and Islam slowly traveled though Europe. You can also check out resources for the Ottoman Empire.

What is Islam?: The name of the religion is Islam, which comes from an Arabic root word meaning "peace" and "submission." Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one's life by submitting to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed. The same Arabic root word gives us "Salaam alaykum," ("Peace be with you"), the universal Muslim greeting.

Who is a Muslim?: A person who believes in and consciously follows Islam is called a Muslim, also from the same root word. So, the religion is called "Islam," and a person who believes in and follows it is a "Muslim." * What is the difference between Muslim, Moslem and Islamic?

How Many and Where?: Islam is a major world religion, with over 1 billion followers worldwide (1/5 of the world population). It is considered one of the Abrahamic, monotheistic faiths, along with Judaism and Christianity. Although usually associated with the Arabs of the Middle East, less than 10% of Muslims are in fact Arab. Muslims are found all over the world, of every nation, color and race. * Muslim population of the world

Who is Allah?: Allah is the proper name for Almighty God, and is often translated merely as "God." Allah has other names that are used to describe His characteristics: the Creator, the Sustainer, the Merciful, the Compassionate, etc. Muslims believe that since Allah alone is the Creator, it is He alone that deserves our devout love and worship. Islam holds to a strict monotheism. Any worship and prayers directed at saints, prophets, other human beings or nature is considered idolatry. * More about the nature of God * "Names" of Allah

What do Muslims believe about God, prophets, the afterlife, etc.?: The basic beliefs of Muslims fall into six main categories, which are known as the "Articles of Faith": * Faith in the unity of God * Faith in angels * Faith in prophets * Faith in books of revelation * Faith in an afterlife * Faith in destiny/divine decree

The "five pillars" of Islam: In Islam, faith and good works go hand-in-hand. A mere verbal declaration of faith is not enough, for belief in Allah makes obedience to Him a duty. The Muslim concept of worship is very broad. Muslims consider everything they do in life to be an act of worship, if it is done according to Allah's guidance. There are also five formal acts of worship which help strengthen a Muslim's faith and obedience. They are often called the "Five Pillars of Islam." * Testimony of faith (Kalima) * Prayer (Salat) * Almsgiving (Zakat) * Fasting (Sawm) * Pilgrimage (Hajj)

Daily life as a Muslim: While often seen as a radical or extreme religion, Muslims consider Islam to be the middle road. Muslims do not live life with complete disregard for God or religious matters, but nor do they neglect the world to devote themselves solely to worship and prayer. Muslims strike a balance by fulfilling the obligations of and enjoying this life, while always mindful of their duties to Allah and to others. * Morals and manners * Business ethics * Modesty in dress and behavior * Dietary rules * Marriage * Care of children and elderly * Racism and prejudice * Relations with non-Muslims

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11y ago

in year 566 mohammad was sent by god to lead people to islam in mekka city in saudi arebia


Islam began by God by start of universe creation and even before. Refer to question below.

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13y ago

Salam all,

there is a misunderstanding that Islam originated only after the birth of Prophet Mohammed(pbuh), but its not the truth, Islam is the religion of the creator(Arabic word, Allah),it originated from the begining of world existence, Adam(pbuh) was the messenger from Allah. Non believers of Islam may think that Islam is the latest religion and not the true faith to reach the Creator but it is cent percent wrong. Islam is true path to reach Allah(SWT).


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13y ago

Islam was created by start of universe creation. Refer to question below.

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