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Roman Catholic AnswerI could be wrong, but I don't know of anyway to remove a person from the Catholic Church. If a person is a Catholic, then they remain a Catholic, subject to all the laws of the Church until they die. An excommunicated person is under a specific penalty in which they can not receive the Sacraments or be given a Christian burial, but they are still required to attend Mass, and abide by all the other regulations. A person may remove themselves from the Church's jurisdiction, but they are the only ones who may do that - the Church cannot.
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Gregory McCutcheon

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1y ago
My question: ( a person disavowed of the Catholic Church - a term for?) - whatis? And this answer: Excommunication, is the correct answer of that...
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13y ago

Excommunicated (Book , Bell and Candle) .

Roman Catholic AnswerI don't think it is possible to "get kicked out of the Catholic Church". Every single person on earth was created by God, the Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, who is God. The Church was created by God to lead every person on earth to heaven. Aside from Jesus and His Blessed Mother, every single member of the Church is a sinner. Excommunication, to which the above answer refers, is an ecclesiastical censure. It does NOT "kick you out of the Church", you are still bound, you still must attend Mass, etc. Excommunication is supposed to help the person see the error of their ways and have them return to full Communion with the Church.
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9y ago

Depending on the circumstances, it can either be defrocking (which is removing a pastor/priest from his position of authority) or excommunication (which is removing someone from fellowship within a church).

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9y ago

You may be thinking of excommunication, but this is not a person being kicked out of the Church. That is a Catholic unable to receive the Sacraments (other than confession) There is no such thing as "kicked out of the Church". Once a person is baptized as a Catholic, or converts, He is a Catholic Christian for the rest of eternity. Baptism makes an ontological change in a person which cannot be undone. Thus, there is no way a person can be "kicked out of the Catholic Church." It is an impossibility.

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