Muslim.....He recites verses of the Quran before every match
Yes, he is muslim. He prays every day. No doubt he changed his religion.
Yes! he is a muslim. His parents are from Turkey. And he recites Holy Quran before and after every football or soccer match.
In the Masjid, a Muslim prays and worships Allah. He also hears lectures given by the sheikh.
yes he is a muslim because he prays before the game!
You're not allowed to walk over the deceased's grave...the Muslim prays for the dead Muslim.
Yes,although he describes himself as an unorthodox muslim,as he prays 1 time a day
There are 5 different times per day that a Muslim prays
Yes he does and he also has a muslim middle name Hussein. He also has a grandmother that is a Muslim and she prays to make him one to
A good Muslim prays five times a day. The times change depending on where you live. How would i know that? I am a Muslim!
In the light of the moon, the Mariner sees the water snakes. After spotting them, he blesses them and then recites a prayer. Once he prays, the albatross drops from around his neck.
Everyone who is an entire proper Muslim must pray. Those who don't are not proper Muslims