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in The Bible it tell about them meeting when Mary and her sister are both pregnant but out of the belly, yes that was the first time John the Baptist saw JESUS...

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Q: When John baptised Jesus was that the first time to see him?
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Who baptised Jesus and where did he get baptised?

Jesus was baptized by his cousin John the Baptist. you can find it in the Gospels (New Testament). John was Elizabeth's baby. Elizabeth and Mary were pregnant round the same time. Elizabeth was on Mary's side of the family. i think they are either sisters or cousins. hope i helped!!

What were the reactions of the people when Jesus was baptised?

The earliest gospel and source for the later gospels, the Gospel of Mark, reports no reaction by either John the Baptist or the crowd who saw the baptism. This is not surprising, because Jesus had not yet performed any miracles and John did not know that Jesus was the messiah he prophesied. Only Jesus saw the heavens open and a dove descend on him. Matthew's Gospel says that John the Baptist realised who Jesus was, and forbade him to be baptised, but Jesus insisted. Again, there was no reaction from the crowd. Luke's Gospel says that John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus, but does not report any reluctance by John to baptise Jesus. There is no reaction by the crowd. John's Gospel, which portrays Jesus as God, does not actually report whether he was actually baptised, but this is implied. There is no reaction of the crowd reported, but this time John actually saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and knew it was Jesus.

What did jesus do after being baptised?

Jesus was with the disciples for a short time, then went into the wilderness for forty days where he was tempted by the devil.

Who was with Andrew when he followed Jesus the first time?

Apostle Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, who started to follow Jesus when John made it known who Jesus is. Read John 1:29-40

Why does John prevent Jesus from being baptised?

John doesn't prevent Jesus from being baptized, John baptizes Jesus. John doesn't want to baptize Jesus because john knows who Jesus is but Jesus tells him it is the right things to do. Matthew 3:13-16 At that time Jesus arrived from Galilee and came to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. But John tried to make him change his mind. "I ought to be baptized by you," John said, "and yet you have come to me!" But Jesus answered him, "Let it be so for now. For in this way we shall do all that God requires." So John agreed. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he came up out of the water. Then heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down like a dove and lighting on him.

Who was jesus first desciple?

Simon Peter, called at the same time was his brother Andrew.

How many years did Jesus teach?

Jesus came to John to be baptised shortly after he turned 30 years of age and he bagan his ministry at that time. He was executed when he was aproximately 33 1/2 years old, so his ministry lasted for aproximately 3 1/2 years

Did a dove land on Jesus?

It was not a dove that sat on the head of Jesus, at the time when John baptised him, it was a cloud in the shape of a dove above the head of Jesus and God said This is my son in whom I am well pleased.

What is the reason why Jesus is to be baptize by john?

john is the only one who can baptize at that time so jesus chose him to baptize him

Why was John reluctant to baptize Jesus?

John knows who Jesus is, that he is the son of God. He also knows that Jesus is without sin. The baptizing that John is performing is for those who are repentant of their sins. Since Jesus is without sin, he believes he shouldn't baptize him. Jesus, however, is not being asked to be baptized as a symbol of repentance for sin but rather showing that he is presenting himself to his Father to do His will. Hebrews 10:5-7 It is now time for Jesus to begin his earthly ministry that God sent him to earth to do.

What did Jesus mean when he said the kingdom of heaven is advancing and forceful men take it by force?

Acording to Scripture we enter the Kingdom of Heaven through Baptism. At the time of Jesus John was baptising and many came to be baptised even those, it would seem, who believed that Jesus was the one who would free Israel from Roman occupation. We also know that Pharisees who were referred to by John as a "brood of vipers" came also and it seems that no one was turned away.

What does first john first verse mean?

1 John 1:1 talks about Jesus Christ who is the first born of all beings, that we have heard of since the begining of time, which He came into the world as a human for us to see and touched and now being proclaimed as the Word of life. Jesus is known as The Word in John 1:1.