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Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, was making reference to his physical body. He knew that he would be crucified and that he would rise from the dead on the third day in fulfillment of the Scriptures. The word "destroy" is a command in the second person. The Jewish leaders would go on to crucify ("destroy") Christ but he would not be destroyed forever. After three days, God raised him from the dead.

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Q: When Jesus said 'Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days' what was He refering to?
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The interpretation of verses 13-22 of John 2?

AnswerThis passage begins with the "cleansing of the Temple". In the synoptic gospels, it occurred just before the arrest and trial of Jesus, and in fact was largely the reason for that arrest. In John, Jesus overturned the tables and drove the moneychangers from the Temple right at the beginning of his three-year minnistry.The author of John's Gospel is well known for his indulgence in plays on words. All the gospels were written after the destruction of the Temple, and so, beginning with Mark, incorporate a prophecy that the Temple would be destroyed. However, to John, the real temple is the body, so he has Jesus refer to his own future crucifixion and resurrection. He says that if you destroy this temple (which the Jews understand to be the Temple in which Jesus overturned the tables, but which he really meant to be his own body) then in three days he would raise the temple up again. john says that later, after the resurrection, the disciples remembered Jesus' words and believed.

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I think because it is to do with Christianity and Jesus' resurrection.Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." [John 2:19]…that he was buried, that he was raised on the third dayaccording to the Scriptures… [1 Corinthians 15:4]

Destroy this temple and in 3 days it will rise again. Where is this text located in the bible?

It is mentioned in John 2:19 or you can look at Mark 14:58 it is in both but worded differently.

Did Jesus stay in Jerusalem for a year?

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How old was Herod's temple when jesus cleansed it the first time?

Several assumptions are necessary to answer this question. Most historians date the completion of Herod the Great's temple restoration to 37 BC. Assuming Jesus' birth in 3 BC, again as presented by many historians and Biblical scholars, and his ministry beginning when He was about 30 years old per the Gospel of Luke the cleansing of the temple happened about 27 AD or 64 years after the completion of Herod's temple.

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Is a lot of Jesus' boyhood written in the Bible?

No. There is mention of his birth, then mention of him about the time he is 12 (when he went missing and was found in the temple), and then didn't pick up again until he was about 30.

If Jesus come again what will he preach again?

Jesus won't preach when he returns, but he will rule.

Why was Jesus presented in the temple?

According to God's Law to Moses, 40 days after giving birth to a son, a mother is required to present a purification offering at the temple. That is why Mary bought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem at 40 days old.

What are the main events in Christianity?

Event A) Jesus was born Event B) Jesus died Event C) Jesus rose again and Not-yet-an-Event) Jesus will come again