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Anybody who dies and goes to heaven will "see" God as that is what heaven is - being with God. One will "see" Our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, with your eyes, as He has a human body, and will for eternity. You will "see" the Father and the Holy Spirit only with your mind (what is called spiritual vision) as They do not have bodies and are entirely spiritual.

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Q: When Catholics die and go to heaven will they see God?
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Can you see God when you die?

There is no evidence for heaven, so it depends on faith. Christians believe you will go to heaven and see God. Atheists believe there is no heaven and no God.

After you die if you do go to heaven can the person who goes to heaven see heaven?

Heaven is the state of being united completely with God in eternal joy, there is nothing to see, you are in the presence of God, nothing else matters. You can see Our Blessed Lord, who is in His human body for all eternity, and thus, I guess, you can certainly see heaven if you can see Jesus.

What does They will see god mean?

it means when you die you will stand before god and he will ask you "Well, why did you do that when you were on earth? or "you are going to heaven or hell

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What is something which no one can see?

God. Heaven. Angels.

What do people do when they are Catholics?

they go to church and that is like a group that tells you about god and pray that is like saying sorry to god if they have done something wrong or some people ask god to see if their dead family or friends are okay the dead are believed to go to heaven that's where god lives but nasty and bad people go to hell where the devil lives god lets you live in heaven peacefully but in hell the devil works you day and night

Who made the you?

The Lord, God in heaven is the creator of me, you, and everything you see or don't see:)

Who will you see after you die?

um when you die the next fortydays there soul gets sent up to god and gods angles will tell him if you were bad or good bad= hell good = heaven... u will see god,booda,mohammahd,jesus,e.t.c. every one pray its for ur own good unleess u want hellYou will meet the "ONE" and "ONLY" god who will let you live in heaven or go to hell

What is a Christian if people refuse to see Catholics as Christians?

Roman Catholic AnswerSomeone who calls themself a "Christian" who refuses to see Catholics as Christians is someone who is ignorant of history and reality and has been taught a lot of prejudice, accepted it at face value, and is certainly not living the faith that they are professing. The answer below is an example of that as everything they are saying about Catholics is absolute nonsense. This is a sad commentary on the state of "Christians". A Christian is a person who has been saved through the Lords grace. Catholics think that they get to go to heaven through their good works, which isn't right. That is the main reason that Catholics aren't Christians. Christians attend church on Sundays like Catholics but they have a "walk with God". Christians read their Bible a lot to learn more about what God has to say about things in life and read about the previews of what will happen soon, unlike Catholics. Christians pray from the heart not a piece of paper, unlike Catholics. They also worship the TRUE father which art thou in heaven, The priest is the "father" for Catholics.

When you die can you see heaven or hell?

Yes, but remember, when you die you no longer have eyes. Yes, you will definitely "see" heaven or hell, but it will be spiritual sight until the Last Judgment.

Why do Catholics see the need to worship and pray to people instead of God?

They believe that God is more likely to answer their prayers if a saint requests him to.

What will you see when you dead?

If you are a Christian you will see Jesus. If not, you will suffer for eternity. In heaven, there is Jesus and God and there is no tears or pain.