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'your obese, next time you come see me, take the long way' (is what the wise man would have said if he knew of the physical health benifits)

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Q: When Buddha went to see the wise man what did the wise man say?
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"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool". -Shakespeare

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Gautam Buddha. He also went on to say that "desire is cause of all suffering".

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How do you say Buddha in japanese?

仏陀(pronounced buddha) or 仏(hotoke)

Why are Shakespeare quotes popular?

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What was Plato's famous saying?

i noe 2 of em the first one is "A wise man has something to say whereas a fool has to say something" and the other one is "Of all animals, the boy is the most unmanageable" i noe 2 of em the first one is "A wise man has something to say whereas a fool has to say something" and the other one is "Of all animals, the boy is the most unmanageable" i noe 2 of em the first one is "A wise man has something to say whereas a fool has to say something" and the other one is "Of all animals, the boy is the most unmanageable"

Say im a man after every sentence i say. i love this girl. We hooked up. We went to my house. Had some drinks. And then she said.?

"I'm a man."