Some talk exists of Buddha being born as an immaculate conception, but this is generally not supported by scholars. There is reference to a dream that Queen Maya had after many years to have a baby with her husband. Her dream of an elephant passing into the side of her body Shortly after this she found was pregnant with Siddhartha Gautama. The years of trying to have a baby part of the story precludes a virgin birth or immaculate conception. A closer similarity might be found in the story of Abraham and Sarah and their efforts to have a son (Isaac) They had been trying for years to have a child but only succeeded by divine intervention.
Some talk exists of Buddha being born as an immaculate conception, but this is generally not supported by scholars. There is reference to a dream that Queen Maya had after many years to have a baby with her husband. Her dream of an elephant passing into the side of her body Shortly after this she found was pregnant with Siddhartha Gautama. The years of trying to have a baby part of the story precludes a virgin birth or immaculate conception. A closer similarity might be found in the story of Abraham and Sarah and their efforts to have a son (Isaac) They had been trying for years to have a child but only succeeded by divine intervention.
Lots of days. There are days like December 8th, which is the Imaculate Conception, and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
She birthed a baby girl. The cat birthed a large number of adorable kittens.
Zeus probely. But if you include the Titans, it's Chaos. He birthed the Titans, which birthed the Gods wihich birthed other gods.
It was as soon as his mother became pregnant. His conception is held to be a virgin birth by many. On his birth there were many miraculous visions.
In Greek Mythology Rhea and Cronos bore Zeus. Cronos was birthed by Uranus and Gaia.
the person who birthed you.
I Was Birthed
The name for the group pride birthed from Enlightenment reasoning is called "Enlightenment humanism" or "Enlightenment rationalism."
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threw the birth canal :)