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The Billy Graham crusade took place in Parkersburg WV in 1965.

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Q: What year was the billy graham crusade in parkersburg wv?
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What year was Billy gram born?

Billy Graham was born on November 7, 1918

What was the year Billy Graham crusades were televised in color tv?

1959 in Australia.

Is Billy Graham alive today May 2012?

Yes, Billy Graham was still alive in May 2012. Here in the year 2016, he is still among the living at the age of 97. I sure though he is looking forward to his home going.

Why no military service for Billy Graham?

Billy Graham was classified as 4-F during World War II due to a combination of reasons, including being underweight and having a 2-year-old daughter at the time. Additionally, his work as a minister was considered essential to support the troops spiritually during the war.

Is Rev Billy Graham sick?

Yes he is 92 years old, so is suffering from old age illnesses. In January 2016, Billy Graham is 97 year old (born November 7th, 1918), and he is still in the land of the living. His health is not the best, and he has had Parkinson's disease since 1992.

What year did the crusade take place?

Which one? First crusade - 1095-1099 Second crusade -1145-1148 Third crusade - 1187-1192 Fourth crusade - 1202-1204

When did the the first crusade happen?

The first crusade took place in the year 1000.

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How much is an improper stopping on city street in parkersburg West Virgina?

My fine, earlier this year (2012), was $130.

Why did the fourth crusade occur?

1 year

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In what year was the first crusade in the middle age?

The First Crusade : 1096 to 1099 in my opinoin youre right!