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Q: What year was marks gospel most likely written?
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Which gospel was written to everyone?

All four of them, but the most incisive is the Gospel of John, which is now a film of the same name and is as accurate an account of that Gospel as ever filmed.

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What was the sceond gospel written?

Almost certainly Matthew's gospel.We now know almost for certain that the Gospel of Mark was written first and was in circulation before the others were written. Both Matthew and Luke use large amounts of Mark's account in their own gospels and so both of these authors would have had access to Mark's already extant gospel.We also know that John's gospel is most likely to have been written last - towards the latter part of the first century.However, there is some doubt as to which out of Matthew and Luke was the second (and third) gospel to be written. It is likely that Luke's gospel was written shortly before Paul's missionary journeys which leaves a large time gap between his first journey and Christ's ministry. Many scholars believe that it was during this time - when the Church was still centred at Jerusalem - that Matthew wrote his gospel because of its Jewish flavour and its lack of mention of any Gentile Christians whatsoever.Therefore the likely order of writing is:1. Mark2. Matthew3. Luke4. John

Which gospel was written to early Christians?

It is likely that all the gospels were written to early Christians.Mark's Gospel was the first of the gospels, written around 70 CE. It appears to have been written to believers, although a secondary audience might have been the Romans who were suspicious of the new religion and who could have been pacified by being shown that Christians were actually Jews who also followed a holy man.Matthew's Gospel is often said to have been written to the Jews, but modern Jews say that errors in the Gospel would have quickly been detected by any Jews, and they do not believe that it could have been written for Jews. At most it was written for Jews of the diaspora and, if so, more likely for Jewish Christians. The author was at pains to demonstrate the antiquity of Christianity, by frequent references to the Old Testament, but this is more likely to have been defensive than to appeal to pious Jews.Luke's Gospel is addressed to an unknown patron, Theophilus. Some theologians see Theophilus as a symbolic name, representing all Christians. Whether or not there was a real Theophilus, few seem him as the primary audience for Luke. It was more likely written to members of a community that was already using a copy of Mark's Gospel and were therefore Christians. The author was at pains to demonstrate the historicity of Jesus so, like Matthew, this Gospel might have had as a secondary audience those who scoffed at the new religion.John's Gospel is widely considered to have been written to a local Christian community now known as the Johannine community. This may well have been a community of Gnostic Christians.

Could the Gospel According to Saint John be written by someone else?

No. The Gospel of John is so-called because it was known that John wrote it. If it was known to be written by someone else, it would bear the name of that person. If no-one knew who wrote it, then it would most likely not be in the Bible at all, since apostolic authority was an important criteria in the early church.

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Which gospel was written by a disciple of Paul?

A:All the New Testament gospels were written anonymously, so we do not really know who wrote any of them. It was only in the second century that Papias and other of the Church Fathers decided to attribute the gospels to those they felt most likely to have written them. They decided to attribute the second gospel to Mark, a disciple of Paul, and the third gospel to Luke, the physician and companion of Paul. However, modern scholars say there is no good reason to accept these attributions as fact. It is most probable that none of Paul's acquaintances even knew any of the New Testament gospels.

What does it mean if you have strange marks on your breasts?

It's most likely stretch marks, but you should check with your doctor to double check. Or your pregnant or your husband bit to hard!!

Who wrote the gospel that was focused on Jesus' miracles?

All the New Testament gospels were originally anonymous, until the second-century Church Fathers decided who they felt was most likely to have written each gospel. Modern biblical scholars say these speculative attributions are unlikely to represent the actual authors.Mark's Gospel, the first New Testament gospel to be written, introduced many of Jesus' miracles to us, but we do not know who wrote this gospel.Matthew's Gospel was largely based on Mark's Gospel, and so includes most of the miracles of Mark, as well as adding some spectacular further miracles such as the graves opening and the dead bodies rising and walking into Jerusalem. As with Mark's Gospel, we do not know who wrote this gospel.John's Gospel has some of the most well known miracles of Jesus, including water into wine, and raising Lazarus but, once again, we do not know who wrote this gospel.

Which gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament?

----------------------- Matthew's Gospel contains the most references to the Old Testament, so much so that some believe that it could only have been written for Jews.