The religion of Islam originated in the Arabian Peninsula in year 610 AD, the date of revelation of the first verses of Quran by God to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril).
Islam was the religion that spread from the Arabian Peninsula to Africa.
The religion that took over north Africa, Spain, and the Arabian peninsula, is called Islam.
Arabian Peninsula ____________________________________________________________ Islam began by beginning of universe creation as Allah (or God in English and same God in Christianity and Judaism) created all creatures on basis of submission and surrender to His will (that means Islam). However, Islam per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) began in Arabian Peninsula. Refer to related question below.
Arabian peninsula is the place where all major religions of the world originated including Judaism , Christianity and Islam .
Arabian Peninsula
Islam as a religion was first developed and promulgated by the Arabs and by way of the Qur'an being acceptable only in Arabic, Arabs have maintained a strong leadership position in the religion.
The Arabian peninsula.
Because Islam is not limited to the people of Arabian peninsula. Even if the Qur'an was only revealed to Mohammed, the contention is that God foresaw that Islam would be a universal religion and apply in places where pigs were commonplace.
Makka (Mecca) city of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in Arabian peninsula., in 610AD.
In the Arabian Peninsula to the South West of Asia.
The Arabian peninsular.