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Q: What would happen if you did not attend church in the puritan times?
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Moslems attend a mosque, not a church. And they attend it on Fridays.

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How many times a day did people in the Medieval Times go to church?

In medieval times, the common people only attended church on special holy days. The nobles and ruling classes tended to attend weekly.

In Twelfth Night is Malvolio a Puritan?

Yes he is. I am studing Twelth Night at the moment, and he is definatley a puritan. -- Malvolio is only "a kind of Puritan". Stage reproductions have at times portrayed him as a Puritan (buckles and hats and all) to place emphasis on his snobbery, but he is only, as Maria calls him "a kind of Puritan." and a "time pleaser". So no, he is not "definatley" a puritan,

What church does Kobe brant attend?

Supposedly he goes to Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach, CA. My friend saw him there a couple times. :)

Why were church leaders so powerful in Puritan communities?

The Puritans were highly religious people that understood almost everything to be a sign from God. They looked to God as their ruler and trusted in the church leaders who were to do God's work. This allowed church leaders to rise in power and many times gave them the ability to abuse that power.

What is Connecticut's religion?

in colonial times, puritan was Connecticuts religeon.

What was the puritanic code?

The Puritan Code was a set of strict laws established by the Puritans in Massachusetts Colony. It was against the law to not attend Church, people were punished who refused to do so. When neighbors met with some sort of misfortune, the Puritans would not offer help, because they believed it to be God's punishment for something they had done wrong. Showing emotions was not acceptable behavior, people had to be restrained at all times.

How can you be at scoan?

To attend a service at SCOAN (Synagogue, Church Of All Nations), you need to first apply for a visit online through their official website. If your application is accepted, you will receive a confirmation, and then you can proceed with your travel arrangements to Lagos, Nigeria, where SCOAN is located. Upon arrival, you can attend the church services during the designated days and times.

What puritan was elected 12 times for Massachusetts bay?

John Winthrop

What was a drummer in puritan times?

A drummer in Puritan times was a musician who played drums to communicate messages, signals, and orders in military or civic settings. They were essential for conveying information efficiently in the absence of modern communication methods.

What role did the puritans have in Connecticut in colonial times?

Thomas Hooker had left puritan MA after being prosecuted for dissenting the puritan leaders and founded the Connecticut Colony