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Some words that never appear in John's Gospel:

Television, kangaroo, Canada.

The word 'baptism' occurs in the other three gospels, but not in John.

-- further --

The following words, which each appear in the other three Gospels, do not appear in John. The number beside each word indicates how often it appears in total in the Gospels.

  • devils 42
  • generation 32
  • Herod 32
  • Woe 31
  • answering 30
  • Eye 30
  • faith 29
  • James 29
  • seven 27
  • elders 25
  • Forgive 23
  • hold 23
  • suffer 23
  • vineyard 23
  • field 22
  • watch 22
  • ears 21
  • mercy 21
  • touched 21
  • hearts 19
  • returned 19
  • women 19
  • forgiven 18
  • rich 18
  • unclean 18
  • false 17
  • fast 17
  • hypocrites 17
  • killed 17
  • publicans 17
  • rebuked 17
  • reward 17
  • charged 16
  • Deliver 16
  • garment 16
  • heed 16
  • husbandmen 16
  • mighty 16
  • astonished 15
  • gospel 15
  • hell 15
  • parables 15
  • preached 15
  • suffered 15
  • ten 15
  • appeared 14
  • Baptist 14
  • compassion 14
  • deny 14
  • preach 14
  • swine 14
  • teaching 14
  • amazed 13
  • divided 13
  • insomuch 13
  • spirits 13
  • treasure 13
  • baptism 12
  • better 12
  • bottles 12
  • clothed 12
  • dumb 12
  • exceeding 12
  • few 12
  • palsy 12
  • sun 12
  • afar 11
  • cities 11
  • goods 11
  • possessed 11
  • prepared 11
  • wisdom 11
  • beat 10
  • Beware 10
  • bought 10
  • casting 10
  • enemies 10
  • held 10
  • Highest 10
  • nations 10
  • piece 10
  • prayer 10
  • rent 10
  • repentance 10
  • room 10
  • Sidon 10
  • village 10
  • behind 9
  • build 9
  • centurion 9
  • cloud 9
  • hungred 9
  • marry 9
  • ministered 9
  • possible 9
  • preaching 9
  • repent 9
  • rock 9
  • root 9
  • Sadducees 9
  • teeth 9
  • thoughts 9
  • turn 9
  • Tyre 9
  • air 8
  • apostles 8
  • beloved 8
  • built 8
  • fame 8
  • Get 8
  • greatest 8
  • hearing 8
  • herd 8
  • houses 8
  • Isaac 8
  • leaven 8
  • mind 8
  • mocked 8
  • morrow 8
  • neighbour 8
  • places 8
  • reasoned 8
  • reed 8
  • salt 8
  • sore 8
  • sow 8
  • sowed 8
  • strong 8
  • temptation 8
  • tribute 8
  • wondered 8
  • abundance 7
  • Beelzebub 7
  • beside 7
  • cleansed 7
  • daily 7
  • divers 7
  • easier 7
  • entering 7
  • fled 7
  • forbid 7
  • fowls 7
  • heavy 7
  • Juda 7
  • lead 7
  • loosed 7
  • most 7
  • mountains 7
  • offer 7
  • oil 7
  • ones 7
  • penny 7
  • pieces 7
  • planted 7
  • pleased 7
  • region 7
  • rejected 7
  • riches 7
  • seats 7
  • shoes 7
  • staves 7
  • streets 7
  • watched 7
  • winds 7
  • witnesses 7
  • asleep 6
  • calling 6
  • candle 6
  • ceased 6
  • choked 6
  • dogs 6
  • exercise 6
  • hewn 6
  • impossible 6
  • inherit 6
  • Jericho 6
  • kings 6
  • kiss 6
  • lord's 6
  • maid 6
  • maimed 6
  • minister 6
  • nets 6
  • ninth 6
  • privately 6
  • scrip 6
  • Sell 6
  • shaken 6
  • Sodom 6
  • spread 6
  • stretched 6
  • swords 6
  • tolerable 6
  • tombs 6
  • understanding 6
  • villages 6
  • wheresoever 6
  • alive 5
  • beholding 5
  • brother's 5
  • carried 5
  • cry 5
  • deaf 5
  • desolation 5
  • diseases 5
  • elect 5
  • empty 5
  • enough 5
  • further 5
  • goodman 5
  • grain 5
  • grow 5
  • hanged 5
  • help 5
  • hired 5
  • hundredfold 5
  • issue 5
  • liken 5
  • married 5
  • mustard 5
  • obey 5
  • remission 5
  • rolled 5
  • shake 5
  • shed 5
  • smite 5
  • sower 5
  • straitly 5
  • superscription 5
  • tempt 5
  • trouble 5
  • unleavened 5
  • wars 5
  • whereunto 5
  • accused 4
  • Alphaeus 4
  • anoint 4
  • beheaded 4
  • blasphemies 4
  • box 4
  • camel 4
  • candlestick 4
  • coats 4
  • curse 4
  • danced 4
  • devoured 4
  • digged 4
  • doing 4
  • draught 4
  • dust 4
  • eleven 4
  • fed 4
  • feeding 4
  • footstool 4
  • forsook 4
  • hardly 4
  • heavens 4
  • Herodias 4
  • housetop 4
  • indignation 4
  • inheritance 4
  • kind 4
  • kissed 4
  • leprosy 4
  • Matthew 4
  • murder 4
  • neck 4
  • often 4
  • person 4
  • physician 4
  • powers 4
  • promised 4
  • prophesy 4
  • rebuke 4
  • released 4
  • render 4
  • restored 4
  • rooms 4
  • sacrifice 4
  • salute 4
  • sendeth 4
  • serpents 4
  • suck 4
  • supposed 4
  • teachest 4
  • tempted 4
  • thrown 4
  • tied 4
  • torment 4
  • touching 4
  • tower 4
  • waves 4
  • abomination 3
  • ago 3
  • alabaster 3
  • Bartholomew 3
  • beseeching 3
  • Bethphage 3
  • bridechamber 3
  • bringing 3
  • builders 3
  • bushel 3
  • callest 3
  • calm 3
  • casteth 3
  • charge 3
  • clearly 3
  • compel 3
  • constrained 3
  • corner 3
  • crumbs 3
  • darkened 3
  • den 3
  • devour 3
  • earthquakes 3
  • faint 3
  • famines 3
  • fearful 3
  • feasts 3
  • figs 3
  • fingers 3
  • forbad 3
  • forgotten 3
  • furnished 3
  • gain 3
  • Gennesaret 3
  • grant 3
  • heads 3
  • heir 3
  • herbs 3
  • hypocrisy 3
  • image 3
  • joined 3
  • large 3
  • laughed 3
  • lodge 3
  • loins 3
  • male 3
  • measured 3
  • messenger 3
  • mete 3
  • midnight 3
  • mightest 3
  • mightier 3
  • millstone 3
  • mingled 3
  • mock 3
  • moon 3
  • mourned 3
  • numbered 3
  • overshadowed 3
  • past 3
  • paths 3
  • Philip's 3
  • receipt 3
  • reverence 3
  • roof 3
  • sad 3
  • scorn 3
  • shadow 3
  • shewbread 3
  • stars 3
  • steep 3
  • summer 3
  • tender 3
  • testament 3
  • uppermost 3
  • veil 3
  • violently 3
  • whithersoever 3
  • wickedness 3
  • widows' 3
  • wife's 3
  • withdrew 3
  • wont 3
  • youth 3
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Q: What word never appears in Johns gospel?
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