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AnswerGenerally, Mary is recognised as the mother of Jesus. If Mary is demonstrated to be the mother of God, then that will be proof that God exists.
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Q: What will happen if Mary is the mother of God?
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Only practicing Roman Catholics worship Mary as the Mother of God.

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1. Mary, Mother of God 2. Mary, the Immaculate Conception 3. Mary, the Perpetual Virgin

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Mary Is Often Referred to as the "Mother of God" Because She Is the Mother of Jesus. in Christianity, the Holy Trinity Is Jesus, God, and the Holy Ghost (Or Spirit). Therefore, Because Mary Is the Mother of Jesus, She Is Therefore Also the Mother of God, Hence the Common Phrase.

Who was God's mother?

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Mary was not the mother of all people. She was the mother of Jesus and is sometimes referred to as the Mother of God because she gave birth to a God-like man.

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Mother Mary mother of God practiced forgiveness and taught others about Christian ways

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She gave birth to Jesus. Ergo "mother of God."