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Since its inception the Catholic Church has received and continues to receive criticism from many different groups of people, including other Christian denominations. Usually different groups of people criticize the Church for different reasons.

Most of the criticism Catholics receive from other Christians are in regards to their doctrine. Some Chrisitians go as far as to say that Catholics are not Christians. Some of these controversial doctrines include: * Scripture and Tradition

The view that Tradition is just as infallible as Scripture is. This is opposed to the Protestant view of Sola Scriptura.

* Works vs. Faith

The view that in order to be saved one must have faith as well as works, instead of solely having faith.

* Papal infallibility

The view that what the Pope says when invoking ex cathedra is infallible. If a Catholic disagrees with these views the Catholic Church will no longer recognize them as being a Catholic.

* One, true Church

The view that Catholics hold themselves to be the one, true Church of God.

* Saint/Mary Worship

The criticism that Catholics worship saints and Mary.

* Purgatory

The view that there is a neutral, limbo-like state between death and after-life.

* Immaculate conception

The view that Mary was born without original sin.

* Virgin Mary

The view that Mary remained an eternal virgin. Other criticisms inlcude the pre-Vatican II era and other doctrinal differences. Typically non-Christians will criticize the Church for their highly conservative and controversial views rather than particular doctrines (such as the doctrine of the Trinity). Note that some of these criticisms come from Christians as well as non-Christians. * Views on contraception

The view that Birth Control cannot be used.

* Excommunication

Some are critical of how the Church excommunicates people for infractions of "major" doctrine.

* Views on separation of Church and State

The Church's view that there should be no separation of Church and State.

* Opression of women

Catholics are often criticized for not allowing women to have a bigger role in the Church.

* Celibacy

Criticism for the mandatory celibacy of clergy.

* Transubstantiation

This view gets criticism from Christians as being the wrong interpretation of communion. Some would also criticize Catholics of being cannibals for believing that communion is the actualblood and body of Christ. Other criticisms come from other strict teachings of the Church on controversial topics, for example, their teachings on homosexuality and abortion. As in most every religion, there is a split between conservative Catholics and liberal Catholics. Both sides criticize each other for many things. Vatican II is perhaps the most widely criticized issue by conservative Catholics, whereas mandatory celibacy and strict teachings on homosexuality and abortion are criticized by liberal Catholics. * Vatican II

Vatican II changed the Church a lot. Masses were no longer said in Latin and the Church released many of it's strict doctrine. The Church tried make itself less exclusive. Conservatives say this shows deterioration of the Church. * Crusades

When the Church sent out warriors to fight other religions, particularly Islam.

* Inquisition

When the Church killed "heretics," mostly women who were considered to be witches. Most of the accusations against those killed and tortured were false.

* Indulgence selling

This criticism comes from when people would buy indulgences as penance for sins. This criticism usually comes from Protestants and is often cited as a reason for the Reformation.

* Sex abuse scandal

This criticism comes from the recent sex sandals that the Church faced when priests were found to molest children. This also relates to celibacy of priests, which was listed as a cause of the abuse of children. The Church was also accused of attempting to cover up the scandals.

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12y ago

The basic flaw with the Catholic Church is the same flaw that is inherent in any organization made up of humans. Humans are weak and ever so prone to temptations from Satan who has vowed he will destroy the Church. Has the Church made some serious errors in the past? Have there been evil clergymen and even evil popes in the Catholic Church? Has the Church ever strayed from its true mission? The answer to all these questions is a resounding YES and precisely because of the reason given above. While the Church is guided by the Holy Spirit, man also was given free will and can do as he sees fit or do what he feels is best for his own selfish desires and ignore the Holy Spirit. We can praise the Lord that He promised that Satan would never prevail and that the Church would endure until the end of time. While evil will always creep in, good will eventually win out and always has.

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15y ago

This is a contentious subject as some people would see aspects of Catholicism as strengths while others would see the very same aspects as being flaws.

1. Celibacy Flaws: (a) It excludes those who feel God is calling them to both marriage and priesthood (this does not apply to Eastern Catholic priests who may be married) (b) It prevents a priest from experiencing the joys and challenges of married life, and are thus less able to counsel married couples. (c) It is not divine law. There is no biblical mention that clergy are to be celibate; several of the Apostles were married e.g. Peter. 2. Centralisation Flaws: (a) The ordinary Catholic has little say in the overall structure of the Church, even at a diocesan level. (b) Some decisions require time and the average Catholic would bring a certain wisdom to deliberations. (c) Not every part of the world is the same e.g. celibate clergy may be fine in the UK, but married men are more respected in Africa, thus a married clergy would be beneficial. 3. Saints, Statues, Vestments Flaws: (a) Ritual can distract a person from worshipping God. (b) Saints and statues distract focus from Christ. 4. Statements Flaws: (a) Statements may come across as arrogance to some people. (b) Not everyone thinks or believes the same; everyone should be consulted.

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10y ago

The Catholic Church is the Mystical Body of Christ, and, as such, as no weaknesses. However, the Church is comprised of human beings, who are all sinners, thus comprising the "weaknesses" of the Church.

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14y ago

Let us admit our sins! a horrific epidemic of child abuse by the priesthood- wich is sickening and almost unknown in other denominations. a refusal to seriously examine continied modernization of church practices- Vatican II was a milestone but not adequate enough in some ways- more historical=- a tendency towards ultra-conservatism especially in academic practices- they were vehemently opposed to such accepted schemes as co-education well into modern times ( as late as the sixties) only in the past couple of years has Hudson Catholic high school, gender-integrated. On the other hand socially neutral angles such as New Math, phonetics- were untouched. There was too much of a Conveyor-Belt , warehouse- or production line approach to both social and personal problems and many were avoided or dodged- such as Alcoholism and gambling, a major OVERHAUL is needed!

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9y ago

Catholicism, as defined in Modern Catholic Dictionary, by Fr. John Hardon, is "The faith, ritual, and morals of the Roman Catholic church as a historical reality, revealed in Jesus Christ and destined to endure until the end of time. The Catholic Church, as defined by St. Paul, is the Body of Christ. As Christ is God, and His Mystical Body on earth will last until the end of time, we can safely assume that, as constituted, of itself, it has no weaknesses.

However, the same Body of Christ, is composed of the Church Militant (those alive on earth), the Church Suffering (Purgatory) and the Church Triumphant (Heaven). As all of those who are members of the Church Militant (on earth) are sinners, then this would obviously be the major weakness of the Church - all of Her members are sinners.

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