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The presents Jacob gave to Esau were:

two hundred and twenty, two hundred and twenty sheep, thirty camels, thirty donkeys, forty cattle, and ten bulls.

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Q: What were the presents Jacob gave to Esau?
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Your are probably referring to Jacob and Esau. They were twins born to Isaac and Rebekah. God chose Jacob to continue the Hebrew (Israel) race and He rejected Esau. Esau became the "father" of the Edomite's. They would be distant cousins of Israel. To read of the fascinating story of Jacob and Esau see Genesis, chapter 27.

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Jacob was Esau's twin brother.(Genesis 25:24-26)

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Christians say that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob

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Jacob tricked his brother Esau as described in Genesis 25:29-34 where Esau sold his birthright to his Jacob in exchange for a meal.

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The father of Jacob and Esau was Isaac, whom were borne by his wife Rebekah.