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If you are referring to the manuscripts of the writings of the Apostles and some disciples, these eventually became known as the New Testament.

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Q: What were the original documents in the New Testament called?
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When was The New Testament in the Original Greek created?

The New Testament in the Original Greek was created in 1881.

The original new testament writings were called Hebrew scriptures true or false?

False. The Hebrew Scriptures form what Christians know as the Old Testament.

What are the original books of the New Testament?

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Are the Hebrews in the New Testament?

Yes, there is a book in the New Testament called "Hebrews"

If the Dead Sea Scroll was written hundred of years before the New Testament but survived then why then are there no original manuscripts of the New Testament today?

The Dead Sea Scrolls survived as a result of the fortunes of war and climate. After the end of the Jewish War in 70 CE, the Essenes abandoned the scrolls in remote caves near the Dead Sea. They remained undisturbed for nearly two thousand years in a dry climate favourable for their survival. Even so, many of the scrolls are mere fragments. On the other hand, the earliest New Testament documents would have been working documents - read, preached from, and copied, until they simply disintegrated. We should read nothing from the lack of original New Testament manuscripts.

Were all New Testament documents written in common Greek?

Yes, all the books of the New Testament were written in Greek Koine. At one stage Matthew's Gospel was thought likely to have been written in Hebrew or Aramaic, on the assumption that it was written by one of Jesus' disciples, but it has been demonstrated that the original was written in Greek.

Is the New Testament alone can be called a bible?

No. The Bible consists of the Old and New Testament.

What is the New Testament also known as?

The word "Testament" means - agreement, covenant. So the New Testament can also be called the New Covenant.

Can a Greek translation bible still be obtained?

Absolutely. There are many published editions of the New Testament in its original Greek form available. (Actually, these are not translations, since Greek is the original language of the New Testament.)

Is the part of the Bible about Jesus of Nazareth called the old testament or the new testament?

Christian Greek Scriptures known as the New Testament

What are the key documents in Christianity?

That would be the new testament as without it Christianity wouldn't exist , merely Jewdeism.

How many times is Jesus called son of man in New Testament?

Jesus is Called the Son of Man 88 Times in the New Testament!