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Rehoboam was the Son of Solomon (by Naamah, his Ammorite wife), and he took over the throne after his father died in 997 BCE at age 41, reigning for 17 years. (1Kings 14:21; 1Chronicles 3:10; 2Chronicles 9:31)

King Solomon had turned away from God in his last days, and become a harsh king, putting heavy burdens on his people. After he died, Rehoboam had the opportunity to reach out to the people and help them, but he was a young and foolish man, and chose the wrong course.

A group of his people, lead by Jeroboam , came to him to beg that he remove the oppression that Solomon had put on them. Though he thought about it, and talked it over with his older advisers(who suggested that the wise course would be to LISTEN to the people and lighten their burdens), he chose to reject this mature advice. Instead, he listened to his pals, the young men he'd grown up with, who foolishly told him to increase the burdens on the people, even beating and whipping them with scourges. (1Kings 12:2-15; 2Chronicles 10:3-15; 13:6, 7).

Though the tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained, this pompus and arrogant attitude understandably turned the majority of the people away, giving Jereboam a platform on which to take over the ten tribes(1Kings 12:16, 17; 2Chronicles 10:16, 17), as had been prophesied(1Kings 11:29-31).

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Q: What were the mistakes that Rehoboam king of the southern kingdom of Israel committed that caused his kingdom to be divided?
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Solomon's son was Rehoboam. He succeeded Solomon as king of the United Monarchy of Israel but later faced rebellion, resulting in the kingdom being divided into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.

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That depends when. In the time before Joshua, it was divided among the Canaanite tribes, their kings and city-states. In the time of the Judges, it was divided along the territories of the twelve Israelite tribes. In the time of the Israelite Kings, it was divided, with the Northern Kingdom (Samaria; the Ten Tribes) under Yerav'am (Jeroboam), and the Southern Kingdom of Judah under Rehav'am (Rehoboam). Yerav'am seceded the Ten Tribes from Rehav'am's kingdom because of a grievance over taxation (1 Kings ch.12).

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You'd get a more sensible answer if you were more specific. Are you talking about the modern state of Israel, or the biblical one? If you're asking about the biblical version, then the kings were:SaulIsh-Bosheth (very briefly)DavidSolomonRehoboam (also briefly)The kingdom was divided during the reign of Rehoboam, with Rehoboam remaining king of the southern portion (Judah) while the kings of Israel (the northern portion) were:JeroboamNadabBaashaElahZimriOmriAhabAhaziahJehoramJehuJehoahazJehoashJeroboam IIZechariahShallumMenahemPekahiahPekahHosheaA lot of those had pretty short reigns; it was more likely for a ruler to be deposed by a rival than succeeded by an heir.

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Solomon's death resulted in the "divided kingdom". The Israelites weren't entirely happy with Solomon's extravagances, and upon his death they petitioned his son Rehoboam to institute reforms. When Rehoboam refused, the ten northern tribes (that is, all except the tribes of Judah and Benjamin) revolted and chose Jeroboam as their new king.

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According to the Bible, the source of the division between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of Israel and Judah respectively comes from Solomon's successor Rehoboam failing to lift the tax burden on Israelites as well as his lead general Jeroboam's charisma in leading ten of the Israelite tribes to secede from Rehoboam's country and establish another dominion.Archaeologically, there is insufficient evidence at this point to say whether or not the Northern and Southern Israelite Kingdoms were ever united. (This is not to say that they were not or that they were, but that we do not have enough evidence to be sure either way.)They remained politically divided as there was never an attempt by either state to conquer the other state. They were far more useful to one another as allies against other secondary powers like Aram, Moab, and Phoenicia as well as against the larger powers like Assyria (which eventually destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel), Egypt, and Babylonia (which eventually destroyed the Southern Kingdom of Judah).

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No it is not divided ffrom the prime meridiain only from the equator

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